Dor turned to Phoebe at her comment at his maturity, an expression of mock indignance on his face. "My [i]maturity[/i] doesn't need any help." Before he could any further, a drastic change in lighting drew his attention. Phoebe had really outdone herself. Artem Zelenko, the Tituba Quidditch captain and probably the tallest guy in the school, stood there glowing like something out of a comic book. The boy wasted no time in confronting Dor about it. "Pranks?" Dor asked innocently. Without getting out of his chair he looked up at the boy towering over him. Trying to hold back his chuckles, he made a show of squinting and shielding his eyes from the low light Artem was emitting. "I have no idea what you're talking about Arty. You know I only do that sort of thing the week leading up to a match. You're looking good though. Really. Just [i]brilliant[/i]. You'd be right at home in a rave..." A grin spread across his face. "Hey someone turn the lights out and let this guy really shine." He turned to the bartender with a hopeful expression. She merely shook her head and returned to cleaning a glass. "Well all right. Guess not." He looked up at Artem again. "Seriously though dude, I had nothing to do with it." Dor had to admit to himself, this was more something he'd do to himself. In fact, he made a mental note to consider this for future pre-match hype as well as any raves he might attend. Artem had blushed, or at least he might have? It was hard to actually see. "If you didn't, you definitely know who did. Don't play dumb." He looked around, clearly trying to spot any other members of the Good Quidditch team or anyone who looked guilty. With the whole room tittering, Dor doubted anyone would stick out. In fact, he doubted Artem would even do much. He was typically level-headed and calm, which made it hard to get a reaction out of him. Ever the Tituba stereotype, confrontation and revenge all that stuff wasn't really his style. Even now, he was dealing with the situation much better than most would. It was honestly kind of annoying.