Name, Rank: Cyan McFarley, Sergeant Psychological Assessment: It has been observed that Cyan is quite socialable, and tends to converse as much as she can with colleges, and with civilians, on and off duty. She appears to show interest in any new culture or languages that she discovers. Some of her friends [NAMES DISCLOSED] have described this as a 'magical gift', however it has been discovered that it was simply because of her past. Cyan is described to be jokeful in-operation, however this is within normal operational standards and is not a problem. She has a light hate for insurrectionists, however facts indicate that her multi-lingual/multi-cultural mind finds reason with them. This does not, however, interfere with her career. Medical Record and Evaluation: (biographical information, medical history and physical condition) Caucasian woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, twenty six years old, and with a small scar just above her ankle. Born in Scotland on Earth. Developed asthma at a young age, but grew out of it quickly. It is now completely gone. Is known to weight lift and jog, and has a very high endurance. Career Service Vitae: (civilian background and military service record) Cyan was born in Scotland, on Earth, with family that moved a lot around Earth and even moved planets twice, once to Harvest, and then dropped back to Earth again. This required her to learn a variety of cultures and languages in order to be suited in her new location. Joined the marines at nineteen, after completing primary and secondary school. Cyan received field-analyst training, which was granted to her because of her multi-lingual state and her ability to learn new languages and cultures at a fast rate. Served several years, on the second of which she volunteered for the ODSTs, and the sixth of which she was promoted to her current rank, Sergeant. Currently in training for Delta-Seven operations. Recommended as a field-analyst and lingual-specialist.