[b]Brooklyn, New York - Jason[/b] Jason was glad that Mallory had accepted his phone and put in her number. This day was going more pleasantly then he expected, and that's saying something considering the money he managed to make to day with his music. He took his phone back with glee seeing her number, and making a mental note to text her as soon as he could. Jason caught a fleeting thought or two from Mallory that gave him a slight indication that even though she hadn't witnessed the visions he'd shown Adrien, she'd caught on to part of what he was saying. Not that it bothered him, someone like her he wouldn't getting involved in his business not only was she powerful he'd already taking a liking to her. [i]Hey this's Jason. :) What time are you free tonight?[/i] He sent the text before pocketing his phone, but keeping his volume up as he awaited the sound of his iPhone to go off. "I'll be waiting for that call." Jason said as saw Adrien rushing away, hearing somewhat of how he felt his power was overwhelming. He was so use to his own ability he never thought how grandiose it might appear when demonstrating some aspects of it to others. But then again it was easy to be use to your own power, the fact that their were people out their who could teleport to anyone where in the world or even manipulate the weather itself was far more impressive to him then his own ability. [i]Now to get back to business, I'm done with all my classes at NYU for the day so I'm straight. [/i] Jason was glad he was done with class for the day, and now he could focus on his extra curricular activities. [b] Los Angeles, Elena Reese's apartment - Blaire Anderson [/b] Blaire was happy to be embraced by her friend and happy to see she was okay. She's considered her a friend before even seeing hte news and finding out she was one of them. In her eyes that meant they were even closer, but by the way Elena was speaking she could tell she didn't even know if she'd seen the news yet. [i]She dosen't even know I have a power, fuck I didn't even know about hers till now. I really did pick the perfect place to run from the Government, going to my bestie who's all over the news for having a power. But..it's better then being alone.[/i] She was beginning to have some second doubts about going straight to Elena's place especially so soon after everything that happened on the news. "Uhhh just something to drink anything no alcohol tho..I was more then a lil buzzed driving over here.." Blaire blurted out, she figured with the medication in her and what she'd drank at her place she needed to work on sobering up and avoiding getting further intoxicated. The typical friday night plan seemed to be kicked to the curve now with the whole incident with the CIA, and now her friend going Electro on TV. "Elena..I..saw..the news.....what you did but..it's okay..look.."Blaire pointed at the blue recycle bin she'd tossed her beer in earlier and focusing the bin was reduced to the size of a toy. "You're like me....." Blaire said feeling as if she'd gotten off some heavy load, being able to tell someone else she had powers, especially a friend was like a weigh being lifted off her back. She didn't know if Elena would react positively to her friend having powers, but she knew that once she told her about story of the trouble she ran into with the CIA she wouldn't be happy no matter what. While she wasn't getting exposed for using her power on the news, she was still in a heap of trouble herself it seemed today neither of them were safe.