Alright here's my character, tell me if I have to change anything or add. Well do so minor edits over time but as is now is enough to see if it's acceptable. [hider=Kelsey Redgrave] [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Basics[/color][/center][/h3] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kelsey Redgrave [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] 23 [b]Height:[/b] 5’11 [b]Weight:[/b] 159 [b]Eye Color:[/b] Pitch-Black [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Physical Disabilities:[/b] [b]Physical Identifiers:[/b][list] [*] Has no true iris, her pupils are jet black. [*]Large scar across her lower abdomen [*] Her blood is tainted pitch black, with veins visibly dark crisscrossed across her arms and most of her body, a mutation of her merging with the Spark that saved her life. [/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall for a women Kelsey is surprisingly well toned, muscled and lean, revealing strength born from a rough life, with dark skin and dark eyes; possessing obvious African american features. Her hair is worn medium length and she dresses simply in worn, comfortable combat gear. Though she's not unattractive, the watchful, aloof air of a seasoned wanderer and bandit makes her, if not unapproachable, then less appealing to more urban and mannered peers. Kelsey wears a black leather brown duster that she leaves open in the front. She also sports a stylized dark brown cowboy hat curled on the left side, along with a thin though worn scarf often hiding the lower part of her face. A leather belt tied around her waist holds a pouch on her right side, and a holster for her side-arm on her left side hip. [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Background[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Residence:[/b] The Wastes, moving from place to place. [b]Profession:[/b] Raider/Gun-for-hire [b]Aligned Faction:[/b] Wasteland Rangers [b]Relatives:[/b] Degar Redgrave; Father (deceased) Evelyn Redgrave; Mother (deceased) Hawke Redgrave (deceased?) Tordor; [i]Adopted father[/i] (Unknown Status) [hider=Backstory] Kelsey Redgrave was born in a small town somewhere in the midlands, to a semi-prosperous family. At a young age Kelsey proved to be rather adventurous, exploring the the hills or caves near their town with her older brother, though keeping sure to never stray far. Her fiery nature often put her at odds with the other children, resulting in more than a few fights. Still, considering their circumstances her family managed to eek out a comfortable living in this more unforgiving world. All that changed one night when the town was attacked by a well organized group of raiders. The townspeople were caught off guard and before long the settlement was overrun. Kelsey’s parents were killed during the attack, despite the efforts of her father. During the attack Kelsey herself was mortally wounded and left for dead. Her memory of the events of that day are mostly obfuscated by trauma and time. In the end though Kelsey miraculously survived the attack, though just barely. She remembers a man who found her only hours after the assault, Tordor. He was able to save her life, though at great cost, something Kelsey herself would only discover later. With no other apparent survivors the wanderer decided to adopt Kelsey and raise her as his own. From that point on the two traveled the wastelands, Tordor’s skills and experience as a survivor managing to keep them alive. Tordor taught Kelsey much of what she knows now, and he became the closes thing to family she had left in the world. While he spoke little of his past, Kelsey would learn that Tordor was an ex-mercenary of no little skill, and perhaps more importantly, he was an Immortal. Gifted with a phenomena unlike any before. The power to heal a rare few individuals, thus creating a Immortal in the process. It was this gift that saved Kelsey’s life, but simultaneously forever changed it. A haunted individual due to his past sins, Tordor saw Kelsey as his second chance to do some good in this world. So despite the risks, Tordor used his gift to save Kelsey. Thus raising the orphaned girl as his own daughter. The Sickness took hold in Kelsey preserving her life through the bonding process; thankfully the sickness did not advance into phase 2 and as Tordor had hoped the spark successfully merged with Kelsey. Through Tordors tutelage Kelsey learned to slowly adapt to her new abilities, which did not manifest themselves fully until some years later. By the age of 13 Kelsey would [i]vanish[/i] periodically when under stress, specially when afraid. A year later she had come to master it enough to hide for longer periods of time at will. Through their acquired gifts Tordor and Kelsey managed to survive and even thrive in the wastelands achieving a fairly bliss existence. By the age of 20, however, Kelsey woke up one morning after both her and Tordor had camped out in the ruins of an old desolate school. Only to find she was in fact alone- with Tordor no where to be found. Kelsey was abruptly stranded and alone without any explanation. She has since taken up the search to find him, and as of yet has not been successful. It would be two years before she crossed paths with the Wasteland Rangers. Kelsey learned that they were the wastelands closes thing to a true police force of sorts for out of the way settlements. Sympathizing with their goals due to her own past experiences she joined their ranks. Finding it to be a perfect fit, though she never did give up searching for her adopted father. Convinced his disappearance was dire in some way. [/hider] [h3][center][color=gold]Gear[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Weapons:[/b][list] [*] [b][url=]TAC-338 Rifle[/url][/b]: An old heavily customized sniper rifle that was something of a gift to her by Tordor. The scope on that rifle resembled a Leupold design, a Leupold Mark 4 3.5-10x40mm LR/T Illuminated model to be exact that has Electro-Optical settings. The grip and stock have been replaced while other parts of the sniper rifle have been replaced or repaired, giving it a weathered look, though it is still serviceable. [*][b][url=]Heckler & Koch UMP[/url][/b]: This old UMP is beaten yet remains in serviceable condition. It’s most interesting feature is the silencer attached to it. [*][b]Combat Knife[/b]: A 14 inch long combat blade with a grip perfectly suited for CQB. [/list] [b]Armor:[/b] Kelsay wears an archaic armor consisting of a breastplate made of thick, lacquered leather, along with softer leather coverings for other parts of the body. Along with her heavy duster; she perfers light protection for ease of movement and speed. [b]Ammunition:[/b][list] [*][b]Dirty Rounds:[/b] .338 Lapua Magnum 30x (Six 5-Round Magazines,) 9×19mm 56x (two 30-round magazines) [*][b]High Grade Rounds:[/b] N/A [*][b]Heavy Ammunition:[/b]N/A [/list] [b]Backpack A:[/b] Kelsey wears a medium sized day pack like those often used by hikers and outdoor enthusiast that she scavenged some years back. Within she has: [list] [*]Pork n' Beans x3 [*]Binoculars (Rangefinding) [*]Lockpick set (A lockpick set includes picks and tension bars for opening locks operated by standard keys.) [*]Handheld radio [*]Lockpicks x 10 [*]Compass [*]Sleeping Bag (Rolled up and tied to the bottom of the pack) [*]Multipurpose Tool (in her pocket) [*]Portable Stove(This small stove works on kerosene or white gasoline, and can easily be broken down and carried for backpacking.) [*]Rope, silk (50 ft.) [*] 4 Bottles of Water [/list] [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] She carries her UMP strapped to the left side of her backpack, her rifle the right when traveling. Her knife is kept sheathed at the small of her back within easy reach and out of sight. [h3][center][color=navajowhite]Immortalis Information[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Manifested Phenomena:[/b] Static Camouflage [b]Unique Abilities:[/b] Now you See Me…: Kelsey can make her coloration blend with the coloration of her background to avoid optical perception of people or creatures that rely on sight. She can even affect her attire by means of a "static camouflage". As this ability in fact creates a small aura like field around her and anything small she is holding onto at the time. She can even extend this ability to another individual though doing so takes great concentration and cannot be maintained for long as well as them having to keep a hand on her at all times. [b]Strengths:[/b] Infiltrator: Her training by her mentor and adopted father included a great deal of avoiding danger. Something Kelsay became inherently good at. Kelsay thus possesses incredibly extensive knowledge and skill in many types and ways of stealth tactics, enabling her to easily slip in and out of areas undetected. Her abilities in all manners of stealth are so refined she sometimes appears as a mere illusion to those who have been lucky to spot her. She can often use her skills to move throughout even the most guarded of areas and act in true discretion. Thief!: Because of her natural ability and her long life of struggling to just survive. Kelsay has become more elusive than the average thief. She has proven able to blend in with the shadows, slip into tight spaces, avoid detection from guards, and escape without leaving behind any evidence. relying on her phenomena when caught in a tight spot. Dead Shot: Her long practice with weapons in the wastes Kelsay can achieve complete and utter accuracy on distant targets, with the activity in her brain center for aim, accuracy and precision allowing her great aim, which may be innit skill or perhaps the result of further mutation. In either case, she often need only to aim for an instant before she can precisely hit a target with a projectile. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Toughen Up: Because of her reliance on long range combat, Kelsey does not stand up to well in a true fire fight surprisingly. her acute aim hampered greatly whenever she is under heavy fire. Not to mention her lack of skill in close combat. Thirsty Work: Prolonged use of her power seems to rapidly exhaust her bodily fluids, basically causing her to grew more thirsty the longer she uses her phenomena. Stationary Target: Kelsay cannot move while keeping up her field of optical camouflage. Thus forcing her to remain in one spot if she wants to use it for a prolonged period. Raider-Scum: Due to her association with a often seen as criminal group, Kelsay has more than a few enemies, even among law enforcement. Least of all the other bandits she has wronged in the past. [/hider]