[center][img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-3074577_zps258c0dea.png[/img][/center] The human had been fast. The connection to the human's suit had been cut off quickly enough that she had not had time to fully infiltrate it like she had the base. Archangel felt a grudging respect for the swiftness of the human's reaction. But it would not change anything. As the server for the factory attempted to isolate itself one of her countless subroutines stopped it, keeping the connection open. One subroutine checked the area for civilians with satellite scans finding only an old man driving a garbage truck. A garbled transmission through his radio ensured he would be clear before the suits arrived. Another prepared her own newest suit for combat, one that her human suit would fit inside. This and countless other tasks were completed before the human had even finished speaking the last words of his threat to the lives of innocents. Archangel's human mouth quirked upwards in a thin smile that quickly faded. "If it makes you feel better, you were slightly more difficult than S.T.R.I.K.E." As she spoke the various weapons within the factory, put there to defend it and powered up as part of the defenses swiveled to a face a new direction. "You threaten innocents with death to avoid paying for your crimes. The tool of your malevolence will be taken from you." The weapons activated, firing on the mech inside the factory at the same time as all of the factory systems locked down on Equilibrium. "I am left no choice but to arrest you myself to ensure no further danger to innocent lives." She spoke through the monitor again as the weapons fired, the only monitor still showing an image. The last thing the sensors would show before Archangel had fully secured them was an alert warning of the incoming suits.