[quote=@Prince of Seraphs] [i]Mommmmyyyyyy... Are you my mommy?[/i] Technically those were nanogenes. Originally Eight was a character from a Star Trek fanfiction I was working on. As you can probably tell from the name he was a Borg drone that was freed from the collective and possessed all the technical specifications of every ship the Borg ever assimilated. When I adapted the character I still wanted him to have a vast knowledge of ships downloaded into his head and computer components making up parts of his body. Really I think the inspiration for it came from Stargate Atlantis where they repair Elizabeth Weir's body by having Replicator nanites replace the damaged cells in her brain. Since I wanted there to be data about ships in there too I sort of tacked on the idea that the nanites built part of the stations computer into his head. I suppose the answer would be no, though I do remember when I was writing it out the Doctor's line: "Couldn't tell what was gas mask and what was skull but they did there best." popping into my head so some of it may have come from there. [/quote] Ah, I might have gotten the reference if I was a Trekkie. I haven't seen a whole lot of Star Trek and most of what I have seen is 2nd gen. I mean I know who the Borg are and everything but by no means do I know every detail haha. I really like your concept though.