You're welcome to join! I'm going to an event tomorrow, so I can't work on it tomorrow. I'm in the final legs of the requisite information for the game, so it should be soon. One idea I have is to have the different occupations be able to observe different things about something: An Outdoorsman would see a cave system, and observe that there were bats in it, and how defensible it would be if you decided to build a fort there, a scientist (depending on their type) would categorize the bats, tell you what the composition of the rock, an ambassador would observe that this site would be ideal for a trade post, and a mage would be able to sense the eldritch abomination that's hiding deep inside it's cthonic lair, and is waiting for the stars to align before it awakens from it's aeons long slumber, signalling the endtimes. (The last one is a joke. The Expedition will not encounter [many] entity's beyond mortal ken.) This means that the players will actually have to poke around at shit to find out what it is. This will be where most of the fun of the game comes from. That, and blowing up the assorted wildlife/people/beasts/wildbeastpeople