Wretha scoffed, quickly looking away from the walking mountain, named Mordrag, after his most indecent wink towards her. She was insulted that so many would think of her like any other common whore that worked upstairs, not to mention the stench of alcohol spewing out of his mouth…[i]’Boom…? Who the hell says boom?’[/i] She mused to herself as the man walked away, causing a small ruckus with two other females. She shook her head in disbelief anyone could have such an appetite for salacious fare. She could feel everyone’s eyes on her, burrowing small holes through her cloak and clothing, down to her bare self. Gathering the folds of her attire, Wretha dipped under the rope outlining the boundaries of the fighting pit. Her shoes dug into the small amount of sand spread throughout the ring, she supposed it was to soften the fall of unconscious bodies. Wretha felt as awkward as she probably looked standing in the middle of the fighting pit waiting for the scrawny, young man that had disrespected her to enter the ring. Some of the men cheered him on and others merely laughed wholeheartedly at the sight of his opponent. Wretha took it all in strides with her head held high, she was painfully aware how ridiculous this fight looked, and she didn’t expect the support of anyone on the audience. Wretha briefly locked gazes with the She-elf, Thena, but quickly pushed her out her mind. She tossed Rask a side-glance as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. [color=DDA0DD]"Make it bloody, you show that piece of filth what you can do and I will be impressed. Especially considering your boasts that I could use you despite no ability to fight."[/color] She had been boasting, hadn’t she? [i]‘Oh, Wretha, you stupid girl what have you gotten yourself into?’[/i] Her inner thoughts seemed to have a mind of their own, she could almost feel the scowls they were casting her way. Rask wanted bloody. He wanted a performance to showcase what she could do, and as her bright green eyes settled back on her opponent, an idea began to form. If she was ever to gain any respect from this lot she needed to teach this man what she was capable of. Bloody wouldn’t be enough. Wretha couldn’t just beat him, she had to embarrass him, make an example of him. [color=3CB371]“Come,”[/color] Wretha called out over all the chanting and hollering that had erupted from the onlookers, [color=3CB371]“show me how well of a fighter you are.”[/color] Already her mind was working in earnest, combing through all of her memories trying to remember every word of every spell she knew carefully. Just one slip of the tongue, one word uttered incorrectly and she was certain she would be thanking the sand for softening her fall. She took stock of her surroundings, judging the distance the man would have to travel to reach her- it wasn’t much, he was only a few feet away from her. It would be a tight window but she wagered she could manage, besides she didn’t have much of a choice. The scrawny twat threw her a smirk it was her only warning as he burst into a mad dash for her, sword over his head at the ready. As soon as he exploded into motion, so did Wretha, only she wasn’t running or moving at all. Instead her lips were smacking furiously as she chanted a spell in the olden tongue, [color=3CB371][b][i]“Itsi sist. Eksleebire. Ye non hun wesrat horri momenta.”[/i][/b][/color] She raised her hand from the folds of her cloak, pointing it at her attacker as she reached the crescendo of the spell. The man was upon her then only a foot or two from her, sword poised for the attack. The world seemed to freeze as the crowd went dead silent in anticipation of the blow. But the blow never came. A wicked smile slowly stretched Wretha’s lips as the man mirrored her amused look with one of dread. Using her magical abilities she now had a hold of the man, frozen in mid attack. The spell wouldn’t last forever and required a large amount of her concentration to maintain it, but she didn’t need long at all. [color=3CB371][b][i]“Ye wosseri. Etsoo an esee uumezhdesi.”[/i][/b][/color] With the room having gone silent, Wretha’s incantation, a language few had ever heard of, echoed across the room as she spoke, sounding all the more eerie and menacing. The look of terror in the man’s eyes was priceless, and Wretha enjoyed every second of it. With her hex now completed she released him dropping her hand back to her side with a sigh. Now freed, the man looked around confused, he couldn’t understand what Wretha had done. She hadn’t harmed him in anyway and his first thought was that whatever spell she had done hadn’t worked. [color=F08080]“Ya’ bitch!”[/color] He shouted at her face raising his sword once more over his head. Before he could deliver the blow his body jerked oddly for a fleeting moment and the man took a step back confused. [color=3CB371]“You should have more respect towards women, young man.”[/color] Wretha scolded, [color=3CB371]“Especially when one has just bested you in combat.”[/color] The man jerked once more and this time he doubled over spilling the content in his stomach across the sand, Wretha took a step back to avoid getting any of the vomit on her. The man heaved again and another torrent of bile came pouring forth out of his mouth and nostrils. Simultaneously, his bowls loosened and with a symphony of farts and gases his pants became stained with a familiar brown coloring, while urine ran rampant down the front of his pants. Some men yelled in disgust and others remained silent, their small-framed minds still trying to fathom what had just happened. The fight was over as quickly as it had begun as the young man made a dash for the stairs in search of a pot, or in his case two or three, leaving a line of bodily fluids in his wake. This time there was no need to zig-zag her way back to her seat as everyone moved out of her way trying to give the witch a wide berth. Wretha didn’t mind their sudden precaution; the ordeal, although extremely short, had left her slightly winded and she did her best not to show it as she gently sat back down in her chair. Magic wasn’t something to trifle with, it requires large amount of concentration and power to perform even the minor spells and it came at a cause to the user. Without the proper training such magic could do more harm to the caster than the intended victim.