[color=9e0b0f][b]Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King office[/b][/color] "how is the evacuation along this new border, coming along at this time" Asked Prime minister after he lifted his head out of his cupped hands and turned weary eyes to the people filling his office. " Mr. Prime Minister we have had complications and from the french Canadians, have begun rioting within in some areas but we have roughly completed roughly thirty percent." said a middle aged man with a slight french accent and nervous stutter. "What can the military tell me?"asked King as he looked to his minister of national defense James Ralston."The New report from their northern front are all unfounded and untrue, From all reports they are flying Newfoundlands colors and we can not make contact with any of are military personal or all nine bases within Nova Scotia , New Brunswick ,and Prince Edwards islands or the troops in Newfoundland we have only reached Newfoundlanders, We have Coastal Patrols and nearby naval forces forming fourteen kilometers outside of halafax, The First Division and whats left of the Second Division, and Fourth Armored Division, are forming defensive lines along the new border and The Royal Air Force East and West Commands have Patrols up and are preparing for anything." said James Ralston returning a fiery eyed stare as he thought of his family in Nova Scotia. "[i]How am i suppose to explain one and a half million people with unknown status, and Parliament is a mad house."[/i]King thought to himself. "Prime Minister every one is mad and full of rage something must be done or are country may rip itself apart and senators from the lost territories are demanding blood for this and are swaying others to their cause." said Sir Allen Bristol Aylesworth the senator of North york sweat running down his fore head. King looked to the message received from The Dominion of Newfoundland only hours ago. "We will try to resolve this with an attempt at peace before blood is drawn."Said King as he wrote in rapid fire forming a message." Continue Evacuation and deployment of troops keep Commonwealth Pilots out of the Defense until we hear from Churchill, Get the Governer Genral to Address the Citizens and try to slow are lads and prevent hostilites." said King as he delved into his work. [pre]From: Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King To:President King George VI, Prime Minister Winston Churchill,Franklin Delano Roosevelt Recent Horrid Events have Transpired and Canada Has Lost Nova Scotia , New Brunswick ,and Prince Edwards islands and many Canadians, Commonwealth personal and Americans within these Territories have be assigned as Missing until we can find out their status. Canada Will be Leaving Current posted troops in both the Pacific and Atlantic Theaters but no other deployment of troops or flows of supplies to the Atlantic from Halifax. We will be stalled a month, due to we must launch are supply ships from are pacific deep water ports and send them through the Panama canal. We are Currently requesting Aid in this matter to prevent blood shed."[/pre] [pre]From: Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King To:he Sovereign Dominion of Newfoundland, Northern Front The Sovereign Dominion of Newfoundland, Northern Front: We are Requesting a audience on a mutually agreed apon place and Time with your leadership to sort this disaster out and create a mutual understanding that will see prosperity for both are nations.[/pre]