Name: Dante "New Blood" Chambers Age: 28 Height: 5'8 Weight: 170 Apperance: [img][/img] Fighting Style: Freestyle and Hybrid Boxing: Hybrid boxing is a combination of Boxing, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Taichi, and Dirty fighting but solely revolve around the use of your arms. the style includes leg moves but mostly in defending and supplementary for dirty fighting. So...he can use grabs, slams and take downs, elbow shots, open hand moves for defense and evasion and use cheating moves like eye gouging and throat punches and etc. He created this style to give him better chance at winning fights and to have an effective way to counter other styles. Other Skills: lock picking, parkour, basic weapon usage: weapons I'm talking about are things you find on the street like lead pipes and such. Personality: Fearless, hotblooded, and a bit arrogant, Dante never backs down from a challenge. He loves a good fight if it's worth his time....and even if it is not, he'll make it entertaining. He's a bit of a show off as he used to have homeboys of his video tape his street fights and knockout he causes so that he can put it on a broadcasting website. He can work with others but he usually want to be the spot light in the team as he loves to have and gain a greater reputation. He's not above admitting someone having skill or needing help if a time calls for it but he tries not to put himself in that situation. All in all he's someone that would be a great asset to the team, that's if you can tolerate his attitude. Bio: Dante was really young back when Axel and his partners first fought Mr. X's crime syndicate. when he heard about the events, that inspired him to want to fight. He even witnessed some fighting the following year which was the events when Eddie got involved in the fights to get his brother back. Ever since then, Dante practiced Boxing and through the years, fought kids in his school who were bullying others. later down the line he got into street fighting to make a little money hear and there. After years of honing his skills and adding to his new hybrid style, Dante encountered a situation where he fought a guy from one of the new gangs in the city and defeated him as his homeboys recorded it. Because of the embarrassing loss and the humiliation of having the public eye witness his ass whooping, the guy found out where Dante's mother lived, beat and raped her, leaving her laid out on the living room floor for dead. Because of this, and the increasing problems and acts these gangs cause in his hood, Dante is now on a personal quest to payback the bastards that harmed his mother and to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. Beware bitches New Blood is coming for you.