WARNING: This is a short interest check. [b][color=ed1c24]RULES:[/color] [/b] -Be able to play a male, or double. -Good spelling please? -Be able to play some side characters as well, just in case? I'll do the same. (Ex. NPCs) -Be able to post at least 1 or 2 paragraphs. -For fandoms, just be able to play the character (s) well? O-o".. -Don't drop the RP without telling me. I'll hunt you down. -Let me know if you have any limits. -Have fun. Cause yeah. [b]--------------[/b] PLEASE NOTE: I may be behind on some of these shows or even games, so keep that in mind. I may want to just come up with an original story but use some characters. IDK JUST A DISCLAIMER. Also no spoilers. [b][color=f26522]Fandoms:[/color][/b] Walking Dead***** Walking Dead the Game* Far Cry 3******************* Charmed************ Bates Motel** American Psycho*** Supernatural************************ [u]Or even, mention a fandom to me and I might know it. It might not be listed.[/u] [b][color=00aeef]Pairings:[/color] [/b] PsychologistxPatient* MurdererxDetective******* MurdererxPerson* PsychopathxPerson**** DemonxHuman********* [b][color=39b54a]Themes:[/color][/b] Dark stuff Crazy stuff [u]IF YOU HAVE A SPECIFIC CRAVING THINGY DM ME I PROB MIGHT HAVE IT TOO IDK FRIEND.[/u]