[b]"WHAT A DAY! WHAT A LOVEY DAY!"[/b] Eddie yelled out as class was over. All things considered, the first day of school was quite exciting for him. At first he was rather scared, for many reasons: For one he feared that he wasn't as strong as he thinks he is once he showed up to school. He knows a bunch of petite people smaller then him capable of greater feats of strength, and he'd hate the idea that he'd have to go against them and loose at the only thing he had going on. That and he feared education in general. While he's not exactly "Stupid" in terms of education, he is not a studious person. He prefers practical application. He sucks at dealing things like COS, SIN, and TAN, but things like geometry and graphs are right up his alley. He did work on a construction yard for about three years, and that was more then just hauling wood and hammering nails. Math was one of his stronger subjects when they weren't dealing with witchcraft. Followed up by, surprisingly, Spanish. Which still sucked in the sense that he had horrible pronunciation and grammar, but he has spent a few years around the Spanish construction workers, learning their lingo and language by second-hand hearing. So the general education wasn't too bad. He still hesitated on other subjects, but maybe if he made some smart friends they could help him study. And to make friends, he figured he'd join a club. [b]"But which one..."[/b] Judo Club was right up his alley. He already knew a few moves and figured that joining that club would do him some good to prefect his technique. However the Boxing Club was equally as interesting, and Eddie felt it might have been more practical. But another part of him really wants to join the archery club. He watched a documentary on it once: it's not dexterity and agility you need, but a lot of strength. Some of the strongest bow needs some hellish strong back muscles to pull their 200+ pound draw, and Eddie felt that was his calling. Plus he fantasized about how cool it'd be for him to be one of those cool, aloof bow snipers, and when some clever git tries to get the drop on him they get a Flicker Jab in the face before being thrown off a roof (Eddie also imagined that he's sniping on a roof). All in all, many options for him, but he could only choose. The grumble in his stomach told Eddie that right now he should go get something to eat first. Checking his wallet he noted that he had a bit of cash for something nice. He already ate his lunch, but he was still peckish. [b]"Well, just a snack. A snack and I'll go look for clubs to join."[/b] Pocketing his wallet Eddie went off to find a shop that sells sweets. Nothing like a bit of pie to give a big boy energy for the day.