[center][h3][color=00b7ff]Matthew[/color][/h3][/center] [indent]While watching his sister leave the premises, he couldn't help but feel a bit sad but then remembered that she never ate her food. Turning heel, he turned back around and re-entered the Diner, sitting back to where him and his sister were sitting before. Matthew sat down, slightly licking his lips while glaring his eyes towards Mallory's untouched food. He reached out and slid the plate closer to him then rubbed his hands together as if he was ready to attack his prey. Before he savaged the now chilled food, his eyes looked at the waiter that his sister had been persuading him to talk to. He was a bit nervous and it kind of showed on his face. [color=00b7ff][b]"Uhm.."[/b][/color] He stammered a bit before telling Adrien his name. [color=00b7ff][b]"It's Matthew."[/b][/color] He said with a smile while looking at the male now. [color=00b7ff][b]"And it's okay. I am not judging you..."[/b][/color] He paused before speaking his next word. [color=00b7ff][b]"Yet."[/b][/color] A slight chuckle came from his lips while looking up at him again. [color=00b7ff][b]"So, how long are you break till?"[/b][/color] Matthew asked while picking up a rib and taking a small bite, a bit of barbeque sauce stained on the side of his lip. Matthew continued to look at Adrien seeing what his response was going to be. He continuously checked his phone to see if his sister texted him yet but she did not so he grew a bit worried but didn't let it show while he talked to Adrien. [center][h3][color=ff4000]Mallory[/color][/h3][/center] Mallory was jamming inside of her car to Taylor Swift's new single "Bad Blood". She adjusted her rear view mirror to check out herself and man, did she look good, or at least she thought so. Her eyes looked down at her phone as it vibrated and she picked it up, reading the text from Jason and blushing with a smile spreading among her lips. She sat her phone back down to where it was then continued on driving since she didn't want to text and drive, especially if she ended up in traffic, which she didn't. [color=ff4000][b]"Hm, going to Manhattan back and forth without traffic? I call that luck."[/b][/color] She muttered to herself while parking her car in front of her dorm area then shut her engine off, immediately getting her phone and texting Jason back. [[color=ff4000][b]Nothing I cannot get out of. Why do you ask?[/b][/color]] She smirked slightly at her response while getting out of her car and walking into her dorm. She closed the door while leaning against it with a sigh and a smile as Emily, her roommate looked at her with a raised brow. [color=ff4000][b]"Someone met a boy."[/b][/color] Emily cooed while getting up from the couch and poking Mallory. [b]"Dish, girl. Give me the details."[/b] Emily continued. [color=ff4000][b]"There is nothing to tell."[/b][/color] Mallory sang while walking off but quickly turning around. [color=ff4000][b]"Okay, so he's cute, has an amazing body and is gifted."[/b][/color] She leaned down on the counter now. [b]"Gifted?"[/b] Emily raised a brow. [color=ff4000][b]"You know, talented. He can uh, rap."[/b][/color] Mallory smiled brightly. [color=ff4000][b]"But by the way, we're going out tonight. I cannot wait for him to text me back."[/b][/color] Mallory said while going into the bathroom to get ready.[/indent]