[color=00aeef]As Nori got out of the taxi Kameyo tipped him. She has always thought you should tip people when you can. Kame was beaming, she didn't look for praise, but she was glad she could impress Nori. So far she felt like she'd mostly been a huge dork. When she got out she searched her wallet for her I.D. and had it out and ready.[/color] [color=fff200]"Feel free to mingle and dance, but if you start to get over whelmed you can always find me at the sound booth,"[/color] [color=00aeef]Kameyo wasn't very familiar with mingling, but she could try. She had never been to Lush before, but she had heard about it on the radio and seen videos. I'm not sure I can dance in front of people. I mean the only time I've danced is alone in my room. She appreciated the thought of taking shelter at the sound booth, but she didn't want to interrupt Nori at work.[/color] [color=fff200]"Go have some fun, darlin'!"[/color] [color=00aeef]That's right, Nori would feel bad if I didn't have a good time. Kameyo then began to plan. As she walked with Nori she was thinking,[/color] [i]Dancing might be embarrassing but people might be less inclined to talk to me if they think I'm busy. Also maybe if I keep moving around, they'll think I have somewhere to be, and leave me be.[/i] [color=00aeef]As they got closer the nerves started to build again.[/color] [i]...Maybe a few drinks wouldn't hurt as well. I'll just have to finish them off as soon as I get them so I don't get, what was the word...spiked! That was it.[/i] [color=00aeef]She wondered how many people were going to be there and if she would know anybody. She smiled, But at least she knew one person.[/color] [color=00aeef]As they walked up to the doors, Kameyo was rather impressed. The place was huge! She could tell from looking in the doors it looked even bigger on the inside, it even had two floors![/color] [i]I bet a ton of people could fit in there. like literally, a ton of people[/i]. [color=00aeef]She stood at the entrance with her mouth open a little. Was she really prepared for this? Then she vaguely wondered who she should pay the entrance fee to, and who she is supposed to check in with. Kame didn't want her roommate to get in trouble.[/color] [color=00aeef]She turned to Nori and said[/color] "Hey, how much is the fee to get in?"