Selie’re quickly took a look around the possible path to take. It was quite the maze of branches and vines that was in front of her. There were many paths to take and she was sure she could scale up the path with relative ease if she wanted. She possessed the needed agility to do so. So she quickly decided on a path to take, they couldn’t leave the warrior up on the tree alone, someone needed to go to help him in case of need.[color=ed1c24]” I will go that way.”[/color] The arcana said and pointed to her chosen path. (The one which is upper left of the place the party started.) The blade dancer made a few steps back and quickly dashed forwards, using the momentum to jump higher and then jump away from one of the lower branches and trunk upwards towards her destination. For situations like this, her very light equipement was quite useful as it didn't weight her down.