The world of gaming has changed drastically from the days when men and women could only sit by themselves in a room huddled by a radio listening to Franklin Roosevelt talk through his fireside chats. No one ever suspected that gaming would become such a massive part of the world from America to Korea to Russia, and the rest of Europe. Be it consoles or PC the gaming community has grown to an amazing size unlike any other in the world short of sports. There have been entire generations of children raised under the banner of gaming's pro and cons. It's ups and downs but the industry still thrives unlike anything else in the world. That is why multiplayer has thrived in modern day and has become a major selling point for any video game. The social interactions allows people from all over the world to make friends with one another that normally would be impossible. No other game has harnessed the social aspect of games better than the world of Massive Multiplayer Online games better known as MMO's by the public. These games have a rather sizable audience that ranks from thousands to millions of people and though not as popular due to the excessive amount of 'grinding' and subscription prices involved in them they still are some of the most sought after games in the market. Though some have gone the traditional route of paying through the months some have gone the way of simply buying a game disk and going online. Though through technological advances one can now digitize themselves into video games essentially turning oneself into data bits and going into the virtual world itself. Though there have been a few...mishaps in the new system of gaming there hasn't been anything life threatening involved. However laws in some countries are required to sign a waver saying that they can't sue the company for any mishaps or problems one may experience after entering one of the machines known as "Digital Modifiers" by the company that allow people to enter the game itself. One game that has aimed itself to revolutionize the gaming community is by having it's players pay for a fee for them to be entered into the game's databases once and then simply ask to enter a machine whenever there is one nearby. This game is Neverland Online and today is the day that they intend to release a massive update to fit the bugs associated with the game since it's release as well as tweak some game mechanics. Thankfully with the advance in technologically one can keep playing the game as if it was normally going though it takes slightly longer than usual to update thanks to it and some people are forcibly kicked from the game by mistake as a result. Regardless with a gamer community the size of about four million people there is bound to be problems with fixing...and bad people willing to do what they want to others in this virtual world... === Carl had just gotten out of school today it being a Tuesday he felt the need to go out and run around the school for a bit. However life would get in the way of that. School as usual was a killer on the heart and soul of a free runner like himself so he decided it would be best to just chill out at home today if not go back online and go into the world Neverland. He had recently gotten back into it just to have fun but hey it seemed everyone and their mom was playing it these days. The thing had come out just a week or two prior to this and already there were elite clans popping up and try hards. It made him not want to play it sometimes. But the game was just too damn fun to give up on. I mean how many other games out there really had the experiences you can have by hoping into a game and playing it first person literally? It was all a moot point because people were playing MMO's all of the time now and be it third, second, or first person views they all had some degree of popularity. One way or another people were drawn to these games. It wasn't much longer before Carl would be at the store anyways. With his stuff being dropped off at his house by a friend he wouldn't need to worry about his books.