[h1][center][color=00aeef]Astrid Ashbourne[/color][/center][/h1] [center][h3][i]New York Burns[/i][/h3][/center] Astrid cracked her knuckles, looking up at the giant building in front of her. Her head was covered with a black hoodie, shadowing her face from people passing by. Standing in the alley her chest began to glow a deep red. Through the grey t-shirt that clung to her body the light emanated. Veins connecting to that point in her body began to glow as well. It always reminded her of when she was a little kid and used to press flashlights to her hands to see it shine through. Holding her palms facing upwards she watched as the glow in the veins traveled down until they reached her hands. The energy continued to flow until the light shining out rivaled with that of a burning fire. The color of hands flowed out, turning into a orange red. Just like the flicker of fire, the skin seemed to change and flow. SHe cupped her hands slightly and the fire directed in on itself, concentrating its power towards the center. In that center a small puddle developed. Molten liquid dripped between her fingers, burning holes in the ground. Taking a deep breathe, she poured the liquid all over her hands till they were covered. As it touched her skin she heard it steam and crackle, but never felt the burn. Grinning she launched herself at the building in front of her. The molten liquid surrounding her hands stuck into the wall. Slowly she threw one hand up above the other, climbing up the side. Below her she left hand prints engraved. It was slow going and the wind kept trying to blow her off, but she muscled another arm over her head and pulled up another foot. Nearly 200 feet up she hung from just one hand. Her feet and left hand were left dangling. Before she began to cut open the window, she glanced down just to see how high she was. Laughing at how scary it was, she kicked in the nearest glass window and jumped inside. Immediately alarms began to blare. Quickly she moved towards the only desk in the room. Yanking open the drawers she threw clutter out, searching for the item she had come searching for. Finally finding it, she stuffed it in a heat resistant backpack that was hanging onto her back. Turning around she prepared for the climb down, only to see the building surrounded by police cars. On the ground a policeman holding a microphone shouted up at her. His words were whipped away by the wind before they reached her ears. In the distance a helicopter from some news station was flying close to the building trying to get a shot at the culprit. Rubbing her hands together quickly, she took a few steps back before launching herself out of the massive building. On the ground police shouted as she exited the building, yelling to move away from the impact zone. Before she was anywhere close the killing herself, her entire body caught on fire. Flames erupted from her hands, and she flew up into the air, passing near the helicopter that was filming. As Astrid saw the camera, she turned and gave a little salute before shooting away from the building she had just broken into. Around her bullets flew as cops shot as the flying flaming girl. None of them hit their target, and Astrid blasted away into the sky. Grinning to herself she thought about how great it was to be gifted.