Sara had a million thoughts and reactions run through her mind, but swallowed it all and turned to walk out of Nelson's office. Kelly had handled him well and yet Sara had it under control herself. The only reason Nelson acting like a complete tyrant was because people let him. If he'd taken her to the board she could've easy proven her own innocence and left him bankrupt, but instead he was going to retire quietly. She let her gaze move to Kelly before responding through clenched teeth. "I had that handled and although I know you thought you were helping me... you simply continued to reinforce his horrid behavior. He isn't God... none of us are." She made a sharp turn into the small coffee bar and pulled a large styrofoam cup from the dispenser, filing it up and growling with anger. So many people took power from those around them and used every means to push themselves alone above the crowd, bankrupting commeradity and leaving the state of things around them in disarray. If they were never made to swallow their own medicine or take a good look in the mirror, they would never change. Her change came in the way of blood on her hands and screams that resounding in her ears for years and years to come. Her stomach lurched at the thought of Matthew and how he'd lost color before her eyes. Her memories played a dangerous game with her conscious ability to remain sane and most days she figured that it was just a matter of time before the white padded walls found residence around her. She sipped the coffee and took a seat in a plastic orange chair, her forearms coming to rest on the white clinically clean table before her. She looked up and shook her head at Kelly before running her fingers through along the top of her head in an effort to keep her hair pulled back and out of her face. "I'm just spent. I hate him and people like him and cannot began to understand why anything would be more precious that sustaining life." She sighed with a heavy heart and looked down in the dark murky sway of her coffee. "To loose someone is horrid and he doesn't even care anymore... I'm not sure he ever did."