[b]Name:[/b]Masaru Tanaka [b]Race:[/b]Human [b]Age:[/b]25 [b]Appearance:[/b]Tanaka stands at 182.88 Centimeter tall and has a lean muscular build with a jet black Crew Cut and focused Hazel eyes. He has broad shoulders and bares a fading horizontal scar under his right eye. He usually wears a slight grin across his face hiding his excitement for all of the new surroundings around him. He is Commonly in his nations fleckturn combat uniform and uses the equipment of the ship. [b]Rank:[/b]Second Lieutenant [b]Nationality:[/b]Japanese [b]Organization:[/b]Homeworld Command [b]Skills:[/b] Military Trained Direct Action Air Assualt Unconventional Warfare Reconnaissance First Responder qualified [b]History:[/b] Masaru was born in Osaka prefecture of the Kansai region of mainland Japan to a middle class family in of English interpreters. During Masaru’s childhood he was taught both Japanese and English languages by his parents to better succeeded in his future. Days before his fifth birthday well they were in Kobe visiting his aunt the Great Hanshin earthquake struck Kobe in the early hours of the morning, Masaru was still in bed when his aunt’s apartment collapsed. He and his mother were lucky they were sleeping on the ground during the collapse killing his father and aunt, three long days they were trapped in the ruins of the apartment before they were rescued by Soldiers of the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force. Returning to Osaka after this unfortunate event and a grieving period the young soldier at the time that had rescued Him and his mother visited and this formed a lifelong bond and filled Masaru with the aspiration to become a soldier and help people in need like he was. After Masaru’s Graduation from high school and ignoring his mother’s urging to not join the self-defense force and go to college he joined and began the first steps of his career, His first assignment was the 37th Infantry Regiment in Izuma, Osaka. Months of training begun in breaking each recruit down and building back and teaching them every skill needed they wound need on the battle field. After teaching them how to be soldiers and how to survive on the battlefield, they taught them in the ways to help their country in a disaster and enough medical skill to treat injured until a medic could arrive. During joint training operations between United States Marines and the 37th Infantry regiment he proved a valuable asset due to his bi lingual skill and leadership skill had earned him the rank of sergeant. After two years of continuous training and joint operations with Japans allies Masaru applied and was accepted for the elite 1st Airborne brigade and after another intense training period pushing him past his limit he was awarded his Ranger qualification. Teaching these soldiers how to operate behind enemy lines and wage war with guerrilla tactics and how pass on valuable information to his allies to better turn the tides of battle in Japans favor. He spent many hours working hard and finally applied for a Second Lieutenant commission and earned his commission on his first try. Masaru now nearing twenty four years old and with a stellar record was placed place with fifty other selected soldiers for a top secret mission in a series of trials and evaluations and selected with one other soldier for the mission due to both of them being bi lingual. These two were sent to SGC and briefed on the Operations and protocols. They were sent to Daedalus-class battlecruiser and sent Atlantis to bolster security and search and rescue away teams. With their arrival they were thrown into the fire with Queen Death’s fleet closing on Atlantis.Following the resolution of Queen Death’s fleet Masaru quickly worked to earn his place and gained a team after a daring rescue of a fellow team after a daylong intense fire fight aboard a crashed Ancient ship against rouge Genii faction seeking weapons. After Drawing away a portion of the rouge faction Masarus and the other Japanese soldier followed orders, They Lead the Genii into multiple troops they set up and slowly picked them apart in the day long guerrilla war in the ship. Several months after the Genii mission Masarus’s Combat/ search and rescue team walked into a wraith trap when they answered a distress call from a allied tribe when they were ambushed by wraith well searching a small hamlet. During a long rolling battle and the loss of two of his men, he had finally run out of ammo for his P90s and down to a M9 Beretta. They turned away another S&R team to keep them from falling into the same trap, but the star gate activation lured the a large portion of the wraith back towards the star gate. Four wraith soldiers and a commander remained on the pursuit of Masaru and the last remaining member of his team Steve,Cronfield. They laid their own ambush of two claymores hidden in under brush and Masuru used him self as bait holding back and faking a limp slow lead the pursuers into the ambush. After dealing with their tail they began their escape into a heavily wooded area moving slowly and carefully during the night with the advantage of their night vision goggles,they gave any patrol of wraith a wide berths and finally circled back on to the star gate before dawn. They both sat in silence and waited watching the wraith guarding the gate finally a opportunity arose when only two soldier guarded the gate well others withdrew to the hive ship. Masaru and Steve launched the assault with a hail of gunfire and the last grenade. Steve was activating the star gate when he was incapacitated by a wraith stunner bolt from a approaching wraith, Masaru finished the sequence and activated the star gate well under fire and barely got himself and Steve through the gate before the wraith were on top of them.