Well that went as smooth as Arty expected. The huge oaf couldn't help but mentally kick himself as he helped the young lady up off the floor only for her to make the quickest dash for the door Arty has ever seen. [color=00a651][b]"Still as good with first impressions as ever eh Arty?"[/b][/color] The ginger groaned to himself as he shook his head at his own buffoonery. He let out a sigh before he finally set off to continue his work out. He started with the dumbbells, ninety pounds on each arm, before he moved onto his squats, doing two sets of ten reps of about five-hundred pounds. After a few more smaller exercises Arty finally made his way to the bench press where he did three sets of three-hundred and fifty pounds. Through out his whole work out the hulk of a man kept a slightly sour expression on his face as he kept replaying the incident with the girl in his head. [color=00a651][b]"Okay yo' dolt lets get yo' to the shower before yer stick starts knockin' other people over."[/b][/color] He said to himself as he stood up from the bench and headed off to the locker rooms so he could wash off his work out. ----------- [color=0054a6]"Aww come on dude, just let us in! We won't tell anyone that you were the one that did it!"[/color] The whinny and slightly cracking voice of some sixteen year old said after he was caught with a few of his friends trying, yet again, to sneak into Club LUSH with a few fake IDs. [color=007236][b]"Tell you what lad I will let you in..."[/b][/color] Arty said with a grin as he looked over the fake IDs in his massive hands, the group of teens letting out a collective squeal as he did so. [color=007236][b]"...On yer twenty-first birthday like everyone else."[/b][/color] The fiery haired man said with a chuckle before he used the pocket knife that he kept on his belt to cut all five of the IDs in half at once, resulting in an almost laugh inducing cacophony of teeth sucking and whines from the group of youngsters. [color=0054a6]"You suck dude!"[/color] The teen said as he looked at his ruined fake ID, that was labeled with the name Max Steel, that was clutched in Arty's hand. [color=007236][b]"Ay of course I do, now if yo' were to be so kind to head back to yer homes. I'm more than sure it is past yer bed times."[/b][/color] Arty said with a grin before the group of teens dispersed from the entrance of the club. He then tossed the destroyed fake IDs into the near by trash can before turning his attention back to the line of people waiting to get into the club. [color=007236][b]"Alright who's next?"[/b][/color]