[color=00aeef]Kameyo waved goodbye to Nori and with a sigh she thought,[/color] [i]Okay how do you have fun at a club[/i]? [color=00aeef]As people started filling the club she started to panic. Plan C first it is. Of course she knew there were risks to drinking in public. However Nori was working hard to make sure people had fun. So Kameyo hurried her way to the bar and ordered a row of shots[/color]. "A row of shots, the stronger the better if you don't mind."[color=00aeef] And the bar tender put down a row of six. Shots always seemed like an efficient way of intoxication. Kame put the money on the counter and started downing one right after the other. Kame started feeling more relaxed and she undid her pigtails.[/color] [color=00aeef]As she did, Kame got some pretty weird looks. She thanked the bar tender and commenced plan B. The shots didn't taste very good, but they were working. Every time someone would walk in her direction she would hurry off in the opposite direction. At times she would glance up to see Nori jamming out. She looked so cool up there! Kameyo noticed She was getting looks from people, sometimes even winks. Plan C time. She walked back up to the bar and ordered about four more rounds of shots. People around her were pretty damned impressed as she just kept downing them. After she was done her face was nice and flushed and she no longer seemed to care about the random arse people. And at that moment she couldn't help thinking how all these good people paid their way in but not her, she was stamped anyways. [/color] [color=00aeef]Completely set on making things right she left out of a side door and walked around to the front. She saw a very large red-headed man at the front door. That's that guy from school! I mean it's hard to miss him. Not caring she walked right up to him and said[/color] "Hello there sir! I came here with Nori but dammit I still need to pay just like everyone else!...By the way has anyone ever told you your super attractive?" [color=00aeef]Kameyo just kept on rambling,[/color] " I mean I see you at school and I always say I'm going to tell you...but then I hide in the corner and stuff. Anyways, here," [color=00aeef]She sticks the money on his person[/color]" Shut up and take my money." [color=00aeef]She heard Nori's Voice signing off winked at the large man and said [/color]"Hold that thought deary I gots things to do!" [color=00aeef]As she walked back in She heard truffle butter starting and made her way right to the dance floor. [/color]"This is my Jam!!!" [color=00aeef]And there, right in front of everyone she lost herself to the music. She couldn't see the people, or the building, all she could see was the lights and all she could hear was the music. A Decent sized crowd circled around her as she danced.[/color] [color=00aeef]When all was said and done, she stopped and yelled[/color] "Nori sweetie where are you!" [color=00aeef]And went to look for her.[/color] ( Example of outfit and dance, obviously the blue haired one. And seriously, turn off this video's audio and play truffle butter in it's place, it works so good.) [youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGwXJRewoFY[/youtube]