"That is understandable, my friend," replied the wizard as he too found a place to sit inside the chapel. His guardian set down the immobile mage next to Keystone with a loud *clunk*, suggesting the elf was much heavier than he appeared. An observant onlooker would have noticed that tiny fragments of the elf's robes broke off, as if they were frozen or made of stone. Without as much as a grunt, the figure moved to the remaining alcove, planted the sword into the ground between its legs and closed what was left of its eyes, resting its palms on the pommel. The inscription on the sword faded a moment after, giving the blade a cold appearance. The human mage looked around the room, inspecting the two fighters yet again. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Erepar Havran, a wizard of no small power around these parts. I spend my days forging and enchanting weapons and other items, along with examination of existing artifacts. It's a hard and costly job, but I manage to just get by," he began, wiping sweat from his forehead that wasn't there a moment ago. "I didn't know who Reverin was until a few months ago, when I was tasked with examining the blade you see my thin friend holding. It's considerable power made him the way he is today, as it drains life just as much as it gives one power. A marvelous piece of magic and craftsmanship, but also a very dangerous weapon. His, erm, current clothing situation is a side effect, as any robes I manage to put on, dissolve the next day due to some strange...acid, was it?...oozing from his skin." The wizard coughed a few times, now seeming much older and more exhausted than he was outside. "The situation with him started when word got out that I was holding an item of such power. Whether due to greed, or on orders of someone else, Reverin has been hiring, coercing, forcing and otherwise trying to get a hold of the blade. Fortunately, he has not been successful, in large part due to your bravery today. I'm afraid that is as simple as it gets. Now that you've given me the chance, he will no longer be a problem to me or anyone else in this town. I think it's for the best, really. As such, I must ask that you do not touch or try to steal the blade. Not only would it cost me and my friend our lives, its owner will find you and inflict much worse fates than death onto anyone who touches it. I'm sure you understand. You're also free to leave at any time, though I must insist that you do not mention to anyone what has happened here tonight, or anything I have told you, for the sake of your own lives." Erepar gazed around the room with a glassy countenance, as if inviting further questions from either fighter.