Name: Leander Xenovia Age: Unknown Gender: Male (?) Race: Sapient Undead (Originally Human) Class: Mage Appearance: Leander's skin is pale blue, and his eyes are bright blue. He hides the fact that he is undead by wearing a long dark-blue robe with a hood, as well as black gloves and boots. He also carries a long metal staff with a sky-blue colored gem on the end. Personality: Everything Leander does is purely out of his own interest. That being said, you could trust this guy as far as you could throw him. However, he is still a scholar at heart, even after his death, so he takes it upon himself to learn much of the world. Also, considering he has no fear of death, he makes as much out of his [s]life[/s] existence as possible. He also tries not to form attachments with other living beings, seeing how most people wouldn't trust an undead creature anyway. Brief Backstory: A necromancer made the foolish mistake of raising his soul to gather Leander's knowledge. While the necromancer made precautions in case of threat, Leander managed to find a flaw in the necromancer's defenses and set himself free after killing the one who raised him. Since then, he made his goal in his new existence to learn about the world by becoming a wanderer. Equipment: -A long metal staff, engraved with runes on every inch of its length and holding a sky-blue colored crystal on the end. Allows him to quickcast his mid-tier spells with only 1-3 words, depending on the complexity of the spell. -A long blue robe, along with black gloves and boots, to help hide the fact that he is an undead creature. -A pack for storing books and currency. Abilities: Leander really focuses on one element in magic: water. Well, mostly ice, but technically water. His signature moves involve firing a bolt of ice (Frostbolt), firing a short-range continuous blast of super-chilled air and snow to slow down enemies (Cone of Cold), and creating a magical construct out of water to aid him in fighting (Water Elemental). Needless to say, even he can't keep it up forever, and will run out of mana quickly if kept in an extended fight.