Sergeant Cyan Mcfarley was sat close to the target building, underneath and behind a large bush, with leaves, grass and dirt piled onto her. This, combined with the fact that her matte-black armour blended with the shadow of the bush, made her quite camouflaged, and unable to be seen. She was close enough to the front to hear the conversation of the three on guard there if she had her audio boosted. From what she could tell, they were just grumbling about being outside. One of them complained that if they were gonna stand outside any longer, they were going to miss the game of grifball. After a few more minutes of listening to them murmur and grumble, the Cyan heard the squad-leader speak over the squad-net, and clicked on her on radio to speak back. "Lead, Cyan. Ready to move in. If you signed paperwork for the Innies, I'm pretty sure your paper-days would be a lot worse," she says, smiling to herself, before tugging her BR55 against her chest. She was ready to move in at the sound of the first shot. "I'm gonna go for the front door. O'Hennessy, with me." She orders. She didn't want to go barging into a trio of Innies by herself, advantage of surprise or not, and she supposed taking the pointman with her was a better idea.