Jake gives a polite nod and pretends to do some work on his camera.As soon as he couldn't see her anymore he then walked over to his bottle of rum chugged the rest of it and started walking towards club lush for it was time for him to go say hi to arty and drink himself into insanity so he could make his normal appearance who knows he might even sing for them depending on how drunk he got.As he walked through town he kept his head low and his hood up smoking a cig and trying to get the last few drops out of his rum.When he got to club lush he saw arty already at his post looked like he was kicking a few kids out and cutting there fake ID's.He laughed as it reminded him how much of a delinquent he was when he was a teen always drinking and smoking 'all natural herbs' along with his cigarettes.He never went in through the front though he always went in the side entrance so people wouldn't see him in his normal wears.As he entered the building he saw the lights and all the people dancing to the music that beautiful little DJ would play she was a hot piece of eye candy as always and it seemed her outfits got more and more revealing as she came in it must have been the big boss beaureguard those outfits did not look comfortable whats-so-ever but she was trying hard to get the new position though no one should have to suffer like that he hated when people were treated like slaves and he debated paying someone to 'take care' of the big boss almost every night the way he treated his employees but he would never do it he wouldn't stoop to that level it was against his nature he never liked the 'big' boss though he always wanted Jake to sing a song or dance to bring people in like there wasn't enough people already but now was the time to change and drink.He went to the men's changing room for employees and got into his normal party garb 'black fingerless gloves, sleeveless black jacket that read INNER DEMONS in dark red (for that was his stage name) opened up to reveal his scars,black cap that also read INNER DEMONS in dark red,and black dress pants.'He walked out and straight to the bar.[color=Red]"I need a bottle of vanilla rum..nah make it two i want to have a good time tonight."[/color]He passed the waiter a band of hundreds ($1,000)[color=Red]"better yet make it white russian's and keep them coming if you can do that what i don't drink out of that tonight you can keep as a tip."[/color]HE chugged the first three then sat and watched the croud taking a drink frequently until BOOM!!! it was 10:00pm so he got four more white russian's and went outside to see arty.[color=Red]"hey man how is guard duty going any damsels in distress in need of your assistance lol"[/color]He said as he grinned.He always gave arty a hard time like that for arty turned every girls eye do to his height,build,and always cheerful stature.