[hider=Master][center][h1]Melanie Marigold[/h1][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1299/1724362166cf0a7aaaab539e9a7bd37c0342fe5f.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Servant:[/b] [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] --[b]Magecraft[/b] [i](Familial)[/i] -General Magecraft [i](Supplemental)[/i] -Mental Interference [i](Supplemental)[/i] -[u]Magic Specialty[/u] [i](Fire)[/i] Covers the usage of the Marigold Family's favoured crafts, which operates as a less offence-oriented application of the Fire element. Contains the specialty of the Marigold Family, Instantaneous Self-Combustion, which uses the user's own body heat and surrounding oxygen as fuel for spellcasting (surprisingly efficient!). To support this, they also developed methods of protecting oneself from extreme temperatures and functioning despite increased body temperatures. A fire barrier, and a rather complicated spell to seek out targets based on temperature are also possible. --[b]Magecraft[/b] [i](Personal)[/i] -General Magecraft -Broom Riding -[u]Elemental Magecraft[/u] [i](Fire)[/i] Applies the concepts of the Fire Element to the non-direct aggressive actions, as suited to Mel's fighting style. Most particularly, includes a technique that, when triggered, burns all of the oxygen in a given area over several seconds (with a larger-scale, ritual form). Additionally, she has an ability to rapidly superheat the surrounding air, burning the lungs and exposed skin of those nearby. Besides these, she can use several more mundane skills, such as a spell that quickly produces a blinding flash of light at one's fingertip, one that creates immobile torches, and one that influences the smoke produced by certain substances. -[u]Bounded Field Creation[/u] Includes Fields with the properties of preventing the passage of oxygen, concealing from the eyes of non-magi, and preventing the influence of external sources of light. At this point of mastery, Bounded Fields become difficult to detect, although not so much as to be considered a first-class Magus. --[b]Misc. Skills[/b] -Street Fighter -Amateur Swordsmanship -Strong Reasoning Ability [b]Personality:[/b] Mel is a socially inept young woman who makes up for her lack of charm with a large helping of natural sass. She's never been that good at making friends, so her solution was to just cut out that part of her life entirely, instead retreating to the lifestyle typical of a complete social hermit. She's a raging otaku and NEET, who adamantly believes that the 3D world is not worth the effort. She's cool headed and unmotivated, but becomes frustrated when she has to talk to people, resulting in her trademark lethal sarcastic remarks. She thinks of magecraft as an integral part of her routine, and while she does not care much for her family's history or legacy, she is at least slightly willing to practise it in order to reach her goal. Her final destination is her ideal, 2D dream, whereby either she can join the perfect world of Two-Dimensional girls, or where she can make her one true love, Archtype-DESTINY, into a reality. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Hailing from a Britain-based Mage family, one would be very confused if they both knew about Mel's heritage and what she spends her time doing today. However, since a young age, Mel has always disliked other people. She was always looking for something else to fill the void in her life, something to take up the space that human interaction would ordinarily fill. And then, she discovered the world of the 2D, where everybody loved her. Her parents had no idea, but she secretly pursued a certain kind of lifestyle, related to a certain country in particular. After she finished her early training as a Magus, Melanie managed to somehow fool her parents into thinking she was going to go devote her life to magic research, in an attempt to master the family's secret arts. She received a large sum of money as funding from her family assets, and moved disappeared into the night, secretly moving to the far east to pursue her 2D dream world. [b]Other:[/b] -Her favourite anime is [i]"Fictional Hypernova Loli Omega Battlestrange: Golden ~nanodesupoi ★"[/i] -Her waifu is [i]Archtype-DESTINY[/i], from the aforementioned series. -Once cosplayed as [i]Hyper Ultimate Mecha Archtype-DESTINY[/i]. -Has never cosplayed since then, at least not in public. -Owner of the Mystic Code, [i]"Phantasia Autonova"[/i], which appears like an intricate wooden smoking pipe. -Has a small collection of authentic Japanese Swords, including an Katana called [i]"Suzume-tan"[/i]. -Secretly possesses several small bags of a certain poisonous plant, which produces harmful smoke when burned.[/hider]