Nick was now out of his element, he just came off his portable radio app and had to go back to just being another normal teen trying to get into clubs and it wasn't being too subtle about it, he was swaggering down the bar street with his mouth flapping as he was snapping and popping on his dark blue bubblegum. It wasn't long before he got to the entrance to club lush, he immediately snuck to the front of the VIP cue, much to the annoyance of some of the guests who were waiting. He then noticed that the burly bouncer at the front of the cue was none other than [b]Arty Grant[/b] who had thrown him out personally at least 3 times last year, back when Nick still had black hair, hopefully his new do would help Arty forget. Arty was talking to another young man with blonde hair and an edgy but stylish dress sense, they were chatting as if they knew each other and Nick overheard the young man mention a cute DJ which could only be [b]Nori Haywood[/b] who Nick himself was very attracted to so he saw it as an In as he shuffled in as was careful not to speak in his radio tone of voice. [i][color=00aeef]Hey yeah dude, Nori is amazing isnt she? I was saying on the radi....uhh I mean social media the other day that half the guys in my schoo...uhh I mean workplace have the hots for her, I sure wouldnt mind getting to meet her after her set is done.[/color][/i] Nick gave the young man a high five and introduced himself as [b]Nicholas[/b]. He then turned to the bouncer and put on his best smile and deepest voice. [i][color=0076a3]Ahem, yes hello my good man, I'm trying to get in to the club tonight, you see [b]Ryva Silverstone[/b] is playing tonight and I'm her assistant and she needs me to help her sound-check before her set starts, so I'm needed backstage....[/color][/i] Nick tried to walk closer to the door as he did his best to maintain an air of professionalism.