"Concerning what happens to Reverin," began Keystone in what he referred to as his Business Voice, "and what I'm willing to go along with, I'm going to have to confer with my learn-ed colleague on the matter before I commit to an action. What's that you intend to do with him?" While there was no love for the Elf on the floor, the phrase "he will no longer be a problem to me or anyone else in this town" sounded rather troublesome. Hell, he may deserve to be strung up by his still attached entrails for all Keystone knew, but he wasn't ready to give him over to that kind of justice just yet. He turned to his companion, and followed up in a low voice, "We're in one 'ell of a state right yet, Raa. You knew him before I did, what's your take? Law folk generally take umbrage with them that make dead things walk, I'm given to understand." He looked at Erepar, then the naked sword-wielding creature, to the floor at Reverin, then back to Erepar. He wondered for a moment what his life would have been like if he had concentrated on more culinary pursuits.