While he was waiting for Jake to answer Arty noticed from the corner of his eye a small rustling moving through out the line leading up to the door, he couldn't completely turn off his doorman instincts just because a friend was around. That was when a young looking fellow with some very interesting hair, which only reminded Arty of the odd event that happened a few minutes ago, spoke up. Arty couldn't help but raise a brow at the purple and blue haired boy's claim that he was with the band that was going to be playing, that and his name seemed to raise a few flags in his mind though Arty wasn't completely sure why just yet. The lad's stumbling over his own words didn't help, it was a clear sign of nervousness which with a bouncer at a club instantly meant liar. [color=007236][b]"Yo' with Ryva eh? Then why are yo' coming through the front then boyo? Band and staff get in 'round back."[/b][/color] Arty said as he crossed his arms across his broad chest, his eyes scanning the boy over as he tried to remember why that name seem to bug him so much. [color=007236][i]Where do I know this guy from...[/i][/color] Arty pondered for a moment before he recalled the kids trying to sneak in ten minutes ago. That was it! He through this kid out before, a few times last year in fact. Narrowing his eyes slightly Arty leaned forward towards Nicholas. [color=007236][b]"Little Nicky, is that yo' under all that 'air dye?"[/b][/color]