[Center][H1] Two Days Later EDGE [/h1][/Center] EDGE was ready, to this point, everything was perfect. It was time to start the war against the humans. Gathered around him was the best he had. Each and everyone of them were killers and they were good at it in their own ways. "Today is the we've been waiting for. We shall take what is ours. Nancy! I'd have you grow our ranks! Where better to do so than the happiest place on Earth? Disneyland! Send your zombie's out and let them play" "Isaac and my dear lovely Ellen. I'd have you two work in tandem for a recruitment mission. There's a lovely lad named Mu being kept at Janus Corp. Seet poor boy free." "My lovely brother and sister team. Kill thee fucking mayor. Let thee world know, no one is safer from us." "Today wee grow our numbers and prove we can get to anyone, anywhere. All thee while proving Thee Reformists are nothing but our play things. Now go and do as you were asked." He watched them leave, ones by one. Sebastian was the last one to go.EDGE stopped by placing a hand on his shoulder. He had a special task for him. "There's a little girl with thee reformists, Aiko. Bring her here, without damages. Elijah Craigh will likely be with her. If the moment seems right kill him as well." EDGE let go of his shoulders and and walked away. There were other plans too see to. [Center][H1] Elijah Craigh [/h1][/Center] Elijah Craigh snuck into where Aiko was training. He loved her like she was his own and it shown through to anyone who was watching Aiko liked a scuffle but she needed a break. She wanted to trick Eli into the lottery game again. She'd send him to the gas station get some lotto tickets and they'd get money sometimes up to a grand. She sometimes knew what the big numbers were but she did not play them. Only because when she saw the winning numbers it meant another person was about to hit the megamillions jackpot. Where Aiko's future ability worked better was her ability to predict fighters moves she described it to Eli as "Like in those Sherlock movies where you see Iron Man planning out his actions." But then there was odd quirks like her inability to predict cards, any card game she would loose, and race outcomes. Eli scoffed at her for being odd However when he wanted something from her he'd bribe her with sweets. Her favorite was peanut butter cups. She was an athlete and she need carbs. Also kicking a bag helped her train and get some anger out. "And people wonder why I loved you so.' Elijah said dl scooping her in his arms. "Because you like ice cream as well?" Aiko jibbed. She smiled and laughed as Elijah scooped her up. " I love you, you little shit. " Elijah said as he happy as he could her leaching his memorial away. Sable Smoak twirled her cigarette between her fingers, grey smoke floating around her as her mind worked. What a mess. Leaning back in her office chair, she pressed out the embers on her cigarette into her ash tray. Forty-three dead. Granted, the city was likely better off without that particular crowd. But people didn't care about that. All they cared about was the fact that a Meta had killed them, and because of course all Metas were alike in every aspect, she was automatically responsible. In the two days since the attack, they'd been flooded with letters, emails, phone calls, even the odd imbecile who thought they could just strut in and give her the what-for. She snorted at that thought. And that was to say nothing about Maxwell and other folk calling her up with hackneyed ideas, like they thought they ought to be doing [i]her[/i] job. But regardless of how stupid they were or how much was working against the Reformists, they all had a point. That attack had been a total sham. The Underground had up and murdered people in broad daylight, and the Reformists hadn't been able to do jack shit about it. (Then again, the same could be said about the LAPD, but [i]no[/i], apparently murder wasn't in their jurisdiction if it was Metas.) They couldn't just be on the defensive at all times, waiting for the Underground to say 'jump.' They had to be proactive. But – An idea popped into her head that made her want to drop her head into her desk, then. That Craigh brat was in town. In the building. She blew out a sigh before pressing the button on the intercom. [color=thistle]"Craigh,"[/color] she said in her gravelly voice, [color=thistle]"Get your ass up here."[/color] "Well Baby Girl, seems like the old hag found out I was in house. Get your stuff together, we're going to Disneyland when I get done," Eli said cupping her face before walking away into Sable's office. "I see the almighty has summoned me!" Eli did his best to belittle her power. "What do you want? I'm late to bang a mermaid," Elijah said plopping down in a chair. "If you wanna pass me one of those smokes I wouldn't say no." Sable raised an eyebrow, unimpressed, and blew a cloud of smoke as though she'd just taken a drag. [color=thistle]"Shut up, brat,"[/color] she said. [color=thistle]"Y'know I've been askin' myself why the hell I tolerate you, and I discovered the answer: no good reason."[/color] Leaning back in her chair, she gave him a once-over. [color=thistle]"But I've been doin' some thinking to myself, and maybe you're not as useless as you seem. I take it you heard about the commotion the Underground started the other day."[/color] "And what does that have to do with me? I'm not a member nor do I care. How does that impinge on me?" Eli demanded as he reached for the pack of smokes, using his own powers to light it. Leaning forward, the Reformist leader placed her elbow on the table and curled her fingers up into a fist. As Eli attempted to take a drag, the smoke was pulled out, forming a hazy orb between the two before it could ever touch his lungs. [color=thistle]"It has to do with you if you ever want to be in this building again to see that kid you're so fond of,"[/color] she said, voice stern. She relaxed in her chair again, releasing her control on the smoke. It floated up to the ceiling. [color=thistle]"And the way I see it, long as those punks are out and about, she's in as much danger as anyone else – more, if they find out what she can do and decide they can make use of her. If you had any brains in that head a' yours, you'd see that."[/color] "So what? You want me to kill them? Is that it you old hag? You would hire me to do your wet work? To kill shit I don't care about for minimum wage?" [color=thistle]"I ain't askin' ya to kill shit,"[/color] she said, her patience beginning to wear thin. [color=thistle]"But the fact of the matter is right now we're out gunned and out classed. We need reinforcements. Particularly those who can keep their ear to the ground and know how to hold their own when it comes to that. You wanna keep prancing around the world, tellin' yourself you're a wildcard with no stake in this, fine, but I can guarantee if you do, there's gonna come a time where you regret it."[/color] "Listen here you old shit. Ain't a one gonna take that girl from me, you or who the fuck ever. Ain't no one gonna tells me what I can and can't do. I brought you this girl, anything happens to her, I'll kill anyone involved. Reformist included. Do you get me sweetheart? Now if you'll excuse me, Aiko is late for Disney, and I'm late to bang a mermaid." Elijah stated as he got up to walk out of the office. Sable just sat in her chair, quietly watching him throw his tantrum. Just before he left the room, she spoke up. [color=thistle]"That pride of yours is gonna bring nothing but hurt to that little girl, Craigh. Don't come bangin' down my door when you finally learn that."[/color] Once her office door slammed shut, she picked up her desk phone and pressed the button to put her through with her assistant. [color=thistle]"I want security alerted. Once Eli Craigh brings back Aiko tonight, he's no longer welcome here."[/color] She hung up the phone. Sable would allow him this one last day with the girl. But after that, she was a woman over her word. Eli went back Aiko. He didn't once think about his conversation with the old hag. Once he got to her room, Eli spread his arms out and fell to his knees. "BABY GIRL! WE'RE GOING. TO DISNEYLAND!" Elijah shouted ready to carry her out. "Okay lets go! Yauuuuuuuuuuuuu-Sama-Kun!" she shouted happily. Elijah couldn't help but laugh. "Come with me now." "Okay!" she smiled.