Holand was mesmerized by the expansive gate sealing the way to the Combine. He had come hoping the arms of this entrance would be open and excepting, but of course, the precautions of the imperium was always to guard every square inch of their industrial under belly. Distracted, the aging Vostrayan was suddenly swept away in the oncoming current of workers. His confusion only worsened as the shouting of a privileged advisor accompanied the multitude of stomping feet. Now Holand stood, somewhat dizzied, in the middle of the stained alley leading to the gateway. A silk coat strode away from the Vostrayan, as the eyes of enforcers bored into his back. He had to think fast. [color=ed1c24][i]"S-sir! Sir! Aw, I finally found you!"[/i][/color], the guardsmen cried, trying to look as civil as he could running after the employer of the Combine. [color=ed1c24][i]"My name is Terminus Lyte, I came as soon as I could. But alas, I guess it wasn't soon enough."[/i][/color], Holand gave a slight chuckle to lighten the mood. [color=ed1c24][i]"But, anyways, I found my way here for employment. My wife has currently become pregnant with our second daughter, and with a need for an improved apartment and livelyhood, I came to hopefully acquire myself a better paying job here. At the prominent Combine."[/i][/color], the lieing Vostrayan strived to make his act convincing, sugar coating it with a pathetic backstory and even more pathetic begging. [color=ed1c24][i]"I desperately need the work, sir. Is there anyway I could get a tour of the Combine? I could even do some graveyard shift work, as soon as tonight."[/i][/color] Holand desperately hoped this trick worked. The inquisition (and even Warmund) had advised him and the rest of his companions to keep this investigation under the radar, so a sly trip into the Combine was the best plan of action. But still, the guardsman's skin crawled with dishonesty. [color=ed1c24][i]'By the Emperor, please don't let this go south too fast.'[/i][/color], Holand thought. [s]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s] [b]Actions[/b][list] [*]Run to Combine Employer [*]Lie, putting on the alias of [i]'Terminus Lyte'[/i] [*]Pray and hope[/list]