Chester listened intently to the woman as she explained herself. He would not get the chance to question her further before taking off (not that questioning had been too indepth thus far), and so he was careful to take in every detail. [b]"Your family name does not ring familiar, I'm afraid, but then there are few names in the Kingdom that I would recognise."[/b] he said in contemplation. He might have thought he'd recognise a blacksmith's name, as he had dealt with many during his time in the military. [b]"As for your intentions, they sound noble enough although in my experience sellswords are rarely so chivalrous - I imagine the pay, if we're successful, must be of quite the draw?"[/b] He stood there for a moment, gazing into her eyes to see any signs of wavering. But he saw none. [b]"It matters little. We need more trained fighters and I'll be glad to have a smith along. Get yourself prepped and introduce yourself to your fellow recruits."[/b] and with that he finally took grasp of her hand, his metallic gauntlets no doubt causing her hands quite the chill.