Enasi watched Rasha fidget around. It was like he had ants in his pants- well if he was wearing them of course. He noticed he kept climbing on Inui as well as the kid dozed. “Rasha. . .” Enasi started, carefully picking him up. The guardian held the cat eye level and gave a look of sympathy. “Rasha I understand you’re upset, but you have to relax. Don’t worry, we’ll find him.” Rasha stared for a long moment, realizing Lord Enasi had misinterpreted his mild panic. “And Inui is tired, you have to stop moving about like that, okay?” His voice was soft and caring, trying to keep him calm for the wrong and simultaneously the right reason. Inui yawned gently and patted the guardian’s arm. “No, no, it’s alright. I’m fine.” By the way he had been yawning, Inui could have fell asleep at any moment. His head was gently petted by Enasi after the guardian sat Rasha back on the bed. “I- Forgive me Lord Enasi. I just. . .” How could he explain that he wanted to leave, and he wanted for him to stay? Where was Crios!? His ears flattened when Enasi gave him a puzzled look. “Lord Enasi-” He was silenced and what he thought would be his guardian figuring out his secrets, turned out to be the exact opposite. “How about you go outside and get some fresh air? You’re doing no good sitting and pacing around. Okay?” He gave him a gentle kiss on the head and dispelled the stray negative energy in him. He watched Rasha perk up some and hop off the bed towards the door. The sudden abrupt stop made Enasi give another confused look. “What’s wrong dear?” “You have- are you going to stay in the room?” Rasha shuffled on his paws for a moment, trying to come up with a good reason for his question. Enasi simply chuckled and laid back in the bed, pulling Inui from his sleeping sitting position to lay with him. “Confined to my room am I?” He didn’t expect an answer, instead he ran fingers through his hair. “Don’t worry dear. I’m going to stick by Inui. He’s exhausted and I don’t think he’d be happy if he woke up alone.” Inui hummed softly, indicating he was somewhat awake and responding to his name- though really he was just cuddling up to Enasi and falling into a deeper sleep. “I promise Rasha, I’m not going to get up now. I’ll wait for Crios.” He absentmindedly began to pet Inui’s hair. Rasha bowed even though the guardian couldn’t see it, and gave a small ‘thank you’ before leaving out and closing the door behind him. Enasi had no idea what he planned to do, but he was sure Harper or Crios- or both wanted him in his room. It wasn’t what he wanted to do, but he decided to listen. Just this once. He feared giving them more of a panic attack if he were to get up and leave anyway. With a long worried sigh, Enasi stared at the ceiling. “Seishu, where are you?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crios’ ears twitched and he snapped awake. [i]’I was only supposed to be here for a few minutes!’[/i] He wasn’t too surprised he had began to doze off, he was just more frustrated that he allowed himself to. He was supposed to be watching his injured guardian! He ran fingers through his hair and hopped up. “Don’t panic, just get yourself together.” The fox doctor breathed a heavy sigh before seeing if he needed to grab anything from his office. As he left, his tail twitched anxiously. He could only hope his guardian had stayed in the room like he asked. As he got close, he sighed in relief as he felt the familiar energy of his guardian. It was contained, probably because Inui was with him, but nonetheless, Lord Enasi had stayed put. “I- sorry sir I didn’t mean to keep you waiting for so long- where’s Rasha?” Enasi stretched his arms over his head causing Inui to cuddle closer. “Not a clue. He seemed rather antsy so I sent him off to get some fresh air. He’s been gone for quite awhile. Probably dozed off. But he surely hoped that I’d stay here.” Crios gave a small nod and sat in a chair, sliding it over to Inui’s side of the bed. “How has he been doing?” “Sleeping still, so pretty stable. I’ve kept my energy low- low enough not to hurt him don’t worry.” Enasi gently patted his stomach. “I’m feeling much better. I promise. It’s a million times better than when I got hit first.” He shuddered at the thought. “Much, much better.” Crios nodded silently, but of course decided to check on him nonetheless. ~~~~~~ Rasha had hurried out of Enasi’s room and instead of leaving the palace he snuck around instead. Crios gave him the orders to find positive energy that he’d be attracted to. Deviousness. That feeling of pride after a prank? At first, Rasha didn’t know whether to be insulted or not, but he continued on. There had to have been something or someone that caught his attention. He couldn’t stay out of sight completely at times, but he followed orders- not engaging with anyone and staying on high alert.