Nori grabbed her black clutch from where it was stashed under the mixing desk before bounding out onto the dance floor to search for Kameyo. The blonde had seen her at the bar throwing back shots a couple of times through out the night, but she was nowhere to be found now. Nori elbowed her way around a crowd of people who where gathered around something. [i]'Jesus,'[/i] Nori thought as she pushed through them. [i]"Kameyo is too skittish to be over here. Maybe she stepped out to get some air.'[/i] So the DJ ventured out the front door to ask Arty if he had seen the blue haired girl. When Nori finally made it outside, the line in front of the door was even longer than before. 'Looks like you've got for your hands full tonight," the girl commented, poking Arty in the elbow to grab his attention. "Beauregard really needs to hire you some help out here. Not that anyone could ever get past you," Nori said conversationally, pausing to glance up at the behemoth of a man. He was taller than her by a foot and a half, making her look like a little doll next to his giant frame. "Just thought you might could use a break," she explained, shooting him a friendly smile. "I actually came out here to see if you'd seen my new roommate. She's pretty cute, taller than me, has long blue hair...," Nori described, before catching sight of a man at the front of the line with blue and purple hair. "'s pretty much the same color as this side of his hair," Nori explained, reaching up to ghost her hand over the stranger's ocean colored locks. She smiled up at him through her eyelashes before turning her attention back to the easy going red head. "Have you seen her tonight, Arty?"