Geros looked up from his book and gazed out the window, interest barely touched. He couldn't actually see anything from where he was sitting but then again he hardly ever needed to see things what with the imps he idly instructed. Their reports confirmed that Kiara, as usual, was right. "Speaking of instructing..." Geros muttered to himself as he looked over to the grandfather clock. He had a class to teach in about half an hour and began internally debating the merits of ignoring the up coming battle in favor of it. While he was loathed to neglect his students he could use the battle to test his newest spell theory in a "safe" environment. However he probably would not be needed, and if everything went well with the class he could sneak a short nap into his schedule. "You sound excited" Geros calls to the Mistress of Flame, both hiding his internal debate and not bothering to move his gaze, "Not that you don't always get excited when something flammable walks proudly in your general direction. Wanting to tackle them yourself?"