Sanctus look up at the person talking. "Oh, is that all?" He said sarcastically. "You want me to swear loyalty to a cause, no matter if it is good or bad, just to save my own skin?" He chuckled "I don't know about that piece of wyvern dung," He pointed in the direction of Jonathan's cell. "But I don't work like that. However, rotting in this cell over a hairsplit of philosophy doesn't seem like the best idea. I'll go with you, and see for my own eyes weather your cause is just or not." He held up his chained hands, "So how about you start by getting these things off, and giving us something to eat besides stale bread and dirty water?" Lilith actually grudgingly agreed with Sanctus's crudely put, but wise enough, point of view. "I accept too," She spoke up. "But...well," She winced at a bad memory. "I am a pegasus knight by trade and my pegasus...was killed." She looked down. "I was hoping to join the Yiliseian Pegasus Knights here... but anyways, I will need a steed if you have any." She shoved her emotions away. "If you are paying, I'll fight for you." She said.