The same group sat in silence for a few moments. Justin seemed to be internally fuming about the crushing of his mp3 player. Delta did feel terrible for doing it. Delta cared about quite a few things in this world and music was fairly high on that list. He finished off the first hot pocket and started eating the second one. He honestly wasn't sure what kind of meat this was, but it was pretty damn good in that "I am fully aware that consuming this is potentially taking years off my life" sort of way. Before he could muse any move over the contents of his microwave dinner a inky black mass began to spread across the floor and from it rose a red-headed boy around Justin's age. The boy stood a few feet away from the table at which the group was sat and eyed them all curiously. He appeared to be very shaken up, most likely from a combination of Phi and whatever Epsilon had told him. Slowly, he made his way over and sat at the far edge of the table. Before Delta had a chance to greet the new arrival another form rose from the floor, this time it was Epsilon himself. He was shirtless, and a large wound was open on his lower abdomen. It appeared that he had tried to stitch the wound himself, but it had come undone. "[color=LightBlue]She wanted to go home,[/color]" Epsilon said flatly, "[color=LightBlue]Reach me on the terminals if you need me.[/color]" He was gone before Delta could ask anything about the wound or the meta that had been sent home. The group sat in shocked silence for a few moments before Carson mustered the courage to speak up. "[color=00a651]I'm Carson,[/color]" he introduced himself through a thick swallow and a half-hearted smile, gathering together every tiny bit of social etiquette that he had. He straightened his spine and folded one leg over the other. "[color=00a651]You must be Delta, it's nice to meet you and-[/color]" Carson's gaze switched over to Justin, "[color=00a651]Yeah, man. You really don't want to mess with Phi, like, I mean, unless you're feeling like death is a favorable outcome for your life thus far but-[/color]" a single eyebrow lowered, pale blue eyes flickering. "[color=00a651]You seem pretty smart, I'd consider sticking around. They don't seem so bad here. Not that I really know them but I've seen worse environments.[/color]" The snort that escaped him was soft, his freckled nose wrinkling slightly with amusement as he turned his eyes back to Delta."[color=00a651]Epsilon said you'd fill me in on everything. I don't have too many questions anymore- I guess I kind of just want to hear what this is all about.[/color]" Delta opened his mouth to respond to Carson, but way immediately cut off by Sayuri. [color=f7941d]"Well, my name is Sayuri. You may speak to me if you would like. The strawberry soda in the small cans are mine and I will kill anyone who drinks them. Also, if you need to throw up or something,"[/color] she eyed Carson, [color=f7941d]"do it in the appropriate place. Also, don't expect anyone to clean your messes. Clean up after yourselves,"[/color] at this she eyed Delta to make sure he understood that she was including him and the food on his plate. [color=f7941d]"Also,"[/color] she tried her hand at another joke, [color=f7941d]"leave a will so that we know how to divide your stuff between the rest of us." [/color] Delta couldn't help but laugh at what Sayuri's attempt at humor, and after regaining his composure he focused his attention at Carson. "[color=Turquoise]You'll have to excuse Sayuri, she's pretty new at this whole "humor" thing. They're plenty of food and drink here without having to worry about dipping into her precious stock of strawberry soda, which tastes like fruity piss anyways. But yeah, I'm Delta I just wrapped up getting Justin here up to speed, but I'll give you a brief synopsis. All of us here can do shit, we have powers. Furthermore we're on the good side of things, while your new acquaintance Phi is on the bad. His job is to kill young metas before they can realize their true potential and make life harder for the baddies. Epsilon and I have been rescuing kids like you before Phi can get to them and helping them advance their powers. Admittedly we cut it a bit close with your group, sorry about that.[/color]" Allowing Carson to let that information sink in Delta switched his attention to Sayuri. "[color=Turquoise]I want you to go make sure Epsilon is alright. That gash looked pretty bad and he seemed kinda shook up. He may say he doesn't want you there, but I think your presence would be very beneficial.[/color]" Delta didn't want to say it out loud but he'd never seen Epsilon that shaken up before. It worried Delta, but Sayuri would be a more welcoming sight than him. Furthermore Delta was just as shitty when it came to stitching wounds, so Sayuri would be the better choice in that regards as well. He went back to eating his second hot pocket, waiting for someone else to ask a question or spur on another conversation.