"Welcome to Tiny Snowflake Restaurant," Amaya smiled sweetly at the couple who had just entered. It was quite a busy night. "Just you two?" Dreamy glances, and a flirtatious smiles were exchanges between the two. Eventually a breathy "Yea," left the female's ruby red lips. Continuing to smile brightly, Amaya recited her usual script. "The follow me to your seats," The two, arm in arm, followed her to a small table with two seats near a window. "Here you are," The waitress placed the menu in front of the two seats as the couple finally separated to sit in their respective seats, only to connect back together over the top of the table. "Is there anything I can get you for a drink?" Amaya asked, poising her pen over her notepad. "We'll both have a water," The male spared a glance at the waiting waitress. Amaya scribbled the order down quickly onto the notepad. "Alright, well, I'll be back to take your order in a minute." "Ah, wait." The guy called out to her as she turned away. "We know what we want to order," Amaya raised an eyebrow, before catching her rude behaviour and resuming her friendly personality. "So what'll it be?" She asked returning her pen to the pad. "We'll have the Traditional Japanese Sweets platter," He requested. Again, Amaya wrote on her pad. "Will that be all?" "Yes please," He smiled in thanks. Amaya removed their untouched menus and returned to the back of the restaurant. As she waited for the order to get done. Nick Weston's voice came on the radio. Yet [i]another[/i] mention of her. Jeez, there have to be at least 10,000 other females in this city, can't he pick another one to talk about? Though she had to admit, while she has never met the guy before he must one hell of a smooth talker. Also, speaking of Aoi Iwata, many couples at the restaurant were going to see her show after their visit (Including the over attached couple). Amaya kinda envied the famous female. Aoi was really pretty, and was also very successful. If she had a chance at fame and fortune, Amaya would take it. But the chances of that happening are slim to none. "Order number 34!" The chef called out. Amaya rushed over to grab the platter and went over to serve the couple their desserts. Her face hurt from smiling so much. Luckily she only had a half hour until her shift ended. The kimono clad female wondered what she should do after she got done with work. Hmm, well, she better not extend herself. It's been awhile since she's been out and about. So it's best to go home after this.