Nick was having no luck, he already knew he had no answer for Arty and attempted a manly clearing of his throat but it ended up sounding more like a weak cough. [color=004b80][i]Well you see, Ms Ryva contacted me last minuite and cant start her set until I arrive so this is all very impromtu and....[/i][/color] Just as Nick was beginning to weave his lie he heard [b]Ryva Silverstone[/b] play her first song 'Hold On' and realised that his tale about needing to soundcheck just crumbled. This was not helped by the fact that Arty referred to him as Nicky which was dangerously close to his Radio handle, he didn't want to be exposed here. Just as he sputtered a response, the most shocking sight hit Nick so he couldn't even finish his was her! [color=00aeef][i]Are you? No you cant be..[/i][/color] Before his very own eyes it was the one and only [b]Nori Haywood[/b] not only glistening from all the light sweat of just doing a full DJ set but clearly covered in some sort of glitter and a very eye catching outfit, she looked like an angel decoration on a town center unveiling. Nick's palms became sweaty and found his speech impaired by a large lump in his throat. He had seen pictures and videos of Nori before but seeing her in person was a different matter. Now he didnt even care about Club LUSH he just wanted to savor the seconds of interaction [color=00aeef][i]Umm blue hair? there's a girl behind the door with blue hair is that her? She actually goes to my school.[/i][/color] Nick pointed to Kameyo who was hiding fairly poorly behind the front door entrance she looked a little tipsy too, Nick was suprised to see her out on a weekend let alone at the biggest club in the city. [color=00aeef][i]I see you know Arty, me and him were just talking about music and how I've been doing some engineering for Ms Silverstone lately...right Arty?[/i][/color] Nick's eyes were pleading with Arty to play along with Nick's boastful tall tale, he really wanted to impress Nori, and considering her profile he may not get another chance.