Scott in a way to feel bad that he stepped in and did the slugfest with Richards, because Sara was right she had it under control but there was that nagging voice of what might happen if she lost the control. Scott fixed himself a pepsi and sat in front of Sara. He said, [B]"I know you could handle him on your own, and maybe my interfering was uncalled for. However when I saw that his secretary was away from her desk, a sight rarely seen around here, I was worried he might say or do something that if word got out you could pay for it in the end. I was going in there mainly so that you could have a witness if he tried anything."[/B] He took a drink and then said, [B]"I've heard the horror stories of how he has destroyed careers with just one hearing, and I've seen it first hand in a couple of cases."[/B] Scott leaned back and looked as a fog was starting to settle in over the mountains near the hospital. He took a deep breath and said, [B]"In terms of him not caring. I don't know I can't make that judgement, but I think he just doesn't want to admit that he's lost his touch. That his best days in the O-R are behind him and that he is so defined by his career he doesn't know what to do." [/B] Scott took another drink and said, [B]"It's a nightmare living in fear of the unknown. Not knowing whether the next situation is gonna expose your failings or what you're gonna do the day they stop carrying you around on their shoulders."[/B] Scott turned to Sara and looked her in the eye. He said,[B] "I know that at times I'm egotistical jackass, and I also know that you and I are not gonna run around in the same social circles anytime soon. All that being said though..."[/B] He shifted his eyes slightly up and then right back at her he said, [B]"Sara, you are one of the most gifted surgeons I've ever seen, and I didn't want to take the chance on you not being here anymore. If I had a loved one who was in dire straits that needed cutting on and I could only pick one surgeon to do the job I'm picking you 10 times out of 10."[/B] Scott nodded and said, [B]"You really are better than advertised and we're damn lucky to have you here" [/B]Scott let out an exhale and said,[B] "Look I need to ask you something."[/B] He moved in a little closer and said, [B]"I'm being recruited for a Government Project that could save hundreds maybe even thousands of lives eventually. I'm good I know that, but I'm not good enough to do this alone. I need someone equal to me in terms of skill to make it happen. I'm asking you are you interested in this?"[/B]