[center][img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-8436681_zps421d5ea2.png[/img][/center] "While I understand and share your trust in the abilities of the CDC and other organizations it is imperative to state the vulnerability of the country in the face of a biological attack or widespread plague outbreak." The voice bore a slight German accent, the sort one who had primarily spoken English for many years would still have retained without an active effort to purge it. An accent that was by this point feigned but believable. "As you know I represent a coalition of concerned parties who see this risk to our great nation as a weakness that either an enemy will one day exploit or that eventually nature itself will." The voice trailed off for a moment as a brief coughing spasm wracked the speaker, but he quickly recovered. "Since its foundation the Traupitz Institute has been devoted to helping improve the lives of people everywhere." The speaker continued, "As the founder of the Institute I say with certainty that..." The muffled coughing sounded again. "with certainty that correcting this vulnerability is one of our top priorities." The man who had been addressed thus far then spoke himself in reply. "You understand that there are no funds to allocate to your proposal at this time?" The first speaker's voice sounded again, and there was a hint that indicated the man was pleased at the reply. "We are willing to fund the Committee and Teams ourselves until the threat has been removed. You have fully read the literature?" "I have. But I want to hear it from you." "We plan to begin with the formation of rapid response teams to enforce quarantines quickly and efficiently. That has to be the first step in the event of any outbreak or attack." Another spasm of coughing. "Our second priority will be integrating with the other countermeasures already in place for such incidents and developing the appropriate nationwide plans for worst case scenarios. All subject to your approval before institution." The voice continued for several minutes, speaking of specifics for committees and appointments before stopping and waiting. "Alright" The other man said at last. "I am giving you the green light, provisionally. I expect constant updates on the progress." The first man, a thoroughly average man with faded brown hair, blue grey eyes, a pallid complexion, and of course that persistent cough, smiled and held out his hand, clad in a black glove out to shake. "Thank you Mr. President." "Always a pleasure Vorian." The other man, the President of the United states returned a politicians smile. "It's a win win after all. If you are right, I'm a hero and didn't even have to fund it. If you are wrong, well no news is good news and you are paying for it." The Good Doctor only smiled.