[b]Night time, New York[/b] --The Moth-- The man unsheathed his stone knife and carefully gripped its leather hilt in his hand, bringing its wickedly sharp blade to rest against the thumb of his opposing hand. After a moment of hesitation, the blade nicked his flesh and brought blood welling up to the surface; his blood was dark and thick, a symbol of his poor diet in recent times as well as lack of constant hydration. Moth was unwell, his sickness was causing him trouble once more- but he dare not approach someone, nor dare he approach a tribe, for help. The Glow had weakened him physically ever since his initial incident out west The blood ran down his hand and pooled in his palm. He stood there for several minutes, using his hand to nurse his thumb and milk it for his blood until a small amount had spread down his hand- then he swiftly brought his hand down to the center of the trap he had just laid, where he smeared his own blood on the bait he had set in the midst of a snare he had disguised. Immediately following came the process of binding his thumb in cloth and pressing the wound until the blood stopped flowing. His left hand's fingers were all bandaged in this way, a sign of how frequently he did this method of baiting his traps. His resources were running low, in regards to provisions, and thus he had risked setting traps in this inhabited territory in full. Whether his snares and pitfalls caught beast, man, or abomination, he'd come out with a way to sustain himself in the end. The Moth sheathed his knife and picked up his spear in his right hand, balancing its haft on his left hand's palm as he latched the Atlatl onto the end of the spear, and cautiously set about picking his way back to his camp through the night. He had placed many traps under the light of this moon, and all that remained was to be patient, and stay safe. [b]Current time, New York[/b] Moth, under the light of the sun, has camouflaged himself In a tree's branches to sleep, awaiting nightfall- or an intruder's disturbance of his camp's loud, jarring, alarms [In the form of tripwires that trigger metallic objects and stones to clatter to the ground noisily]- to awaken.