Justin listened as Delta assured that he would have more than enough music of a wide variety, even without his mp3. This did nothing to calm him. Admittedly, Justin knew it was a somewhat trivial thing to get so caught up on, but his music was something he relied on. Fuck he could accept all of this as long as he had his playlists. The playlists that was what he was probably most pissed about. His laptop had all the same music (plus the crap he hated and only had for parties), but [i]his[/i] playlists were only on the device that lay shattered in front of him. Still stewing over all his loss, he almost failed to notice the kid his age essentially materialize from shadows. Abandoning his internal griping he turned his focus to the newcomer. Justin could swear the guy looked familiar, though that didn't really amount to much coming from him, after he was at almost every single non-community sponsored party, as well as a few that were. In general though he couldn't really place the ginger haired kid, and he was fairly certain that he wasn't Epsilon either. More likely than not he was probably one of the "metas" that were picked up in the mall. Interrupting his thoughts was yet another person rising from the shadows. This one was certainly different. Blue mohawk, tattoos, no shirt, and a partially sutured wound on his abdomen, along with an air of power unlike the other individual's air which had felt a tad more nervous, maybe. Quickly the new one informed that, [i]"She had wanted to go home"[/i], whoever [i]she[/i] was Justin assumed it was one of the new metas, and then after informing the others how to reach him, was swallowed by the shadows. It was obvious to Justin that this injured individual, who had just merged with the shadows, was obviously Epsilon, it would make sense with what little information he had already. Noting the man and his power Justin re-collected himself and focused his attention back on the other new one. The new one introduced himself and seemed to perk up a tad in the process, not a lot per se but some. Carson, as he had introduced himself, echoed similar sentiments of those from Sayuri and Delta when it came to the unknown Phi. Watching as the other three interacted Justin paid close attention. As of the moment staying seemed safest, either way though he was going to remain wary, just in case. He chuckled lightly at Sayuri's dark humour, perhaps the others might find it crude, but as far as Justin was concerned not only was it worth the small laugh, but was also a mite of good advice, especially if he were to be involved with this lot. No matter what, it appeared as if he could not be a passive bystander, no matter his wants. Leaning back in his chair and relaxing Justin once again began to speak, his words aimed towards Delta, [color=skyblue]"Well if this Phi fellow is indeed so dangerous, I guess its in my best interest to stay. Although I would most assuredly prefer if I could possibly return to grab some cds at some point in the future, crap ton of them are signed. Also I have some questions about room and board. You know the general ones."[/color]