[@GentlemanRogue] Yeah, the locations won't be placed anywhere in the real world. If it pleases the masses, we could say they are three neighboring cities in the US. I personally don't care. As for the themes of the cities - I've thought of that! * * * [b]Grimmarch[/b] - The City of Secrets The oldest of the three cities, Grimmarch is full of glimpses of the past. Parts of the city are full of preserved gothic architecture, others more modern. The city is quite normal during the day, but comes to life during the night. Full of a bustling nightlife, colorful lights coat the dark, gothic stone. Of course, along with the nightlife comes loads of criminal activity, including drug cartels, violent gangs and the occasional supernatural evildoer. [b]Claychester[/b] - The Great Crossroads The largest of the three cities, Claychester is varied, but down to earth. The city started out as a place of fishing and clay gathering, soon growing to be a metropolis of trade and travel. Today, Claychester is an international center for trade and business, and surrounded by factories and large industries in the periphery. [b]New Skywell[/b] - The Stargazing City The youngest of the three cities, New Skywell is the pioneer of technological advancement. Originally inhabiting Skywell, the old research district of Grimmarch, the scientific orginizations eventually moved to a more open space for collaboration. The result is New Skywell, the Stargazing City, with indoor agriculture and agriculture, renewable energy and modern skyscrapers. The city is more expensive than the other two, but for good reason - New Skywell is the closest we have come to an utopian society on Earth. * * * What do you guys think? Are these cities good?