Sitting still and emotionless in her seat, Aviza had her arms crossed over her chest while she listened to Senior Armsman Stukov spew grand stupidity from the imprudent mouth he should of kept shut for the time being. It was painfully obvious that this man was so lost in his meaningless and delusional rant that he felt as if he had the right to lecture Aviza in front of most of the squad over something he knew very little about. If Stukov had actually fought alongside the Adepta Sororitas in a real combat situation outside of training he would have seen their superb combat skills and tactics were not something to be so carelessly tossed around and insulted so easily. Some of her fellow Sisters were known for their drastic and reckless actions in combat, but this did not reflect the Adepta Sororitas as a whole, and only a weak minded fool, devoid of any power of thinking for himself would believe such a thing. Once Stukov had finished with his venomous rant, he started to cough again, then sat back in his seat and tried to relax while Aviza still stayed in the same position, as if nothing had happened. Taking the higher road for the moment, she kept her opinions and thoughts to herself, and waited till they arrived at the apartment complex before speaking. There was something in the air inside of the Truck, it was either regret or irony, so thick it could have been cut with a knife. The truck came to a stop out front of a large apartment complex where left the driver’s seat then politely opened the doors for everyone to leave. Nodding her head once in thanks at Alpha, she followed up by saying [color=00aeef]“Thank you for the ride Alpha, I appreciate all that is being done for us.”[/color] Falling silent once more, she stuck behind Alpha and followed him up to the apartment. It took only a few short moments before she familiarized herself with the layout of the apartment, so that she could go take a nap later or if needed alone time. Taking off her helmet and setting it down on the table in the kitchen, she tailed behind Stukov to have a word with him and to also she what she could find in the crates. [color=00aeef]"Senior Armsman Stukov, I would like to have a word with you about what was said inside of the truck on the way over here. There is clearly unbridled hostility, hate, and misunderstandings that I want to clear up for not only my sake but everyone else’s as well."[/color] [color=00aeef]"A squad cannot function to its full ability if any of this exists, tearing itself apart from the inside. I will not turn to using insults against you but I will say that everything you said was false, most of it at least. I do not sit high and think of myself as being better than everyone else, in fact I know where my place is upon the ranks and I work exceptionally hard to gain favor and respect among those I fight along with.”[/color] Aviza paused and started to look through the crates alongside Stukov. [color=00aeef]“Unfortunately I do know what a Dark Elder slave pit looks like, as well as a Tyranid feeding pit, and a Chaos torture pen. I have seen the ship I was on split in half, sucking friends out into space only to watch helplessly as their blood boiled inside of their bodies."[/color] Aviza now glared at Stukov from behind blue eyes. [color=00aeef]"I even watched as my family was slowly sucked into the warp, the grotesque sounds of generations yet unborn screaming out from terror and anguish in voices not of their own, but in the voices of my parents. The sound came from their mouths while their bodies became twisted and deformed before vanishing with an eruption of black flames.”[/color] Aviza’s right eye twitched ever so slightly now as she recalled what happened that day to her only true family. [color=00aeef]“You point the blame of the events today on me as if I am the one blame must fall on. I witnessed you and your squad breaking into the Military Memorial Art Gallery and followed behind all of you shortly after. I did not see what happened with the statues when you first passed through them so I was never warned that they were actually creatures from the Warp. I do not need to explain myself any further but I do need to rest, if you need me for any medical assistance then let me know.”[/color] Aviza turned and started to walk back into the living room and let her body go limp in a sitting position upon the couch.