Thought I'd open up a thread for original ideas. Taking up space? Maybe. But I'm using a phone, and it takes too long to update it that much. I feel you judging me out there. :P Anyways, some things about me: -- I am a 19 year old male and have been RPing for about seven years now. Despite this, I prefer to write on a Free to Casual level. I feel this allows RP partners to give and take with the plot. -- I absolutely love good writing and grammar, but I'm not a grammar Nazi. -- My schedule is extremely erratic, so I might spam replies one day, and give only one the next. -- I'm a sucker for romance, especially with a sci-fi/fantasy/supernatural twist. -- I'm okay with most 18+ material (ecchi, violence, language, gore, 18+ scenes), short of anything like fetishes or torture. -- I prefer M×F romance RPs, with me being the M character. I've tried writing yuri, but my partners gave up on me because I can't play female characters very well; on the flip side, I am uncomfortable with writing yaoi. -- Got all that? Good! And here are some ideas/pairings I have. Anything with a "♡" is something I'm craving. The more there are, the bigger the craving. [Hider=Ideas/Pairings]- Vampire master × human servant - Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic - Beauty × Beast (I have a few ideas for this) - Human × guardian angel/spirit - Forbidden love (stepsiblings, half siblings, cousins, and perhaps estranged siblings; one idea is inspired by the manga [url=]Kiss×Sis[/URL]) - Anything with dragons - Anything with dinosaurs (as you can see by my avvie) - Superheroes (I have an idea, based slightly on the webcomic in my sig)[/hider] This will be expanded on as time goes on. Please feel free to PM me if interested.