Nora peered up the staircase she had indicated and then glanced at the Doctor. "Mmmkay," she said as she started edging towards that direction. "Be back in a flash." She hopped up the steps and set off down the hallway, feeling a little apprehensive that the room wouldn't be as easy to locate as the Doctor had said it would be. However she was pleased to find a wardrobe room behind the third door on the right. Now all she had to do was sort through the absurd amount of clothes the Doctor's closet had to offer. "This could be harder than I thought," Nora muttered to herself as she tried to find pants in her size. She wasn't sure how long it had taken her but she finally reappeared at the top of the staircase. Nora was wearing a pair of jeans, a comfy looking purple sweater underneath the black coat she had found, and a pair of black boots. In one hand she carried a gray knitted scarf and there was a pair of matching arm warmers stuffed into one of the coat pockets. She had manged to free her hair from the fancy bridesmaid up do, so the long brown locks fell in waves around her shoulders. Nora stopped by the control panel, close to the Doctor, and couldn't stop her smile. Excitement bubbled inside of her and she felt like she could float. "Are we there yet?" Despite her longing to go out and see an alien planet the question wasn't asked impatiently.