[quote=@Dead Cruiser] The OIB has been standing long enough to see several Old Gods rise and fall, on occasion by their doing. [/quote] So your little group has managed to kill several Old Gods singlehandedly? The death of an Old God on either side creates an immense imbalance, if one dies, the others gain it's power, so if a bunch of evil Old Gods died, for example 4 of 9 were killed, the power that Tor'qux wields would be multiplied by four. Killing Old Gods is stupid and damn near impossible, try taking your crew into The Black Forest and we shall see. They'll lose their minds before they lose their life; once you enter the forest it's almost impossible to leave, as well as being incredibly expansive, stretching on for miles, it also seems to lock you in some sort of loop. Needless to say, your group isn't the most powerful, as Deaddlife said you need to reconsider your power scale, because if even the Order can't take down Old Gods, you can't either. Plus, there is a group that will appear halfway through that not even the Council, the Order or the other Order can comprehend.