[S][center][b][h2]Closed[/h2][/b][/center] [center][b][h2]A Game of Souls[/h2][/b][/center] [center]Pretty lame name I know, just popped into my head.[/center] [center][b]I am only seeking one player for this RP and I will close this thread if I have someone interested/or the plot is fully taken.[/b][/center] [u][b]Rules/Guidelines[/b][/u] [list] [*]18+ please for the mature themes. I myself am 25 if that helps. [*]I usually post at least 2+ paragraphs, please do the same for me. [*]Try to post at least once a week, more if possible. I do try to reply as often as I can but at the minimum I can do once a week. [*]I only do MxF relationships and I only play males, sorry if this is hugely restricting. [*]Friendly chatter? =D [*]Help me with plots and world building process. [*]Going away for a long period of time? Let me know, can't post for a while? Just tell me and I'll always do the same. Good communication I feel is key to any good RPing partnership so please don't contact me if you're just going to disappear without a trace. It's a horrible feeling especially if things are going so well. =[ [*]I usually enjoy romance in my RP's though I definitely don't want to force it, I don't enjoy love at first sight, I much prefer there to be great struggles, lots of feels and even starting out as enemies/hating each other. [*]Please have time for this RP and have fun... if you're not you need to tell me! [/list] [u][b]The Idea[/b][/u] I can't remember how I thought of this idea and I'm sure it's been done before somewhere but I thought it'd be awesome to do a Bleach world with lots of elements from the game of thrones series like: betrayal, assassinations, intrigue, wars, unexpected deaths and much more! I wanted the focus to be on the Shinigami in this RP and I imagined Soul Society to be a lot larger than it is shown in the series with Rukongai and Seireitei acting as a sort of King's Landing/Red Keep of the afterlife. The ruling noble family would take up residents in Seireitei and rule from there whilst the other noble families control other parts of Soul Society, I don't think there would be any Gotei 13 and instead each house would have it's own military but we can discuss more if I find someone interested. I thought of hollows being a lot like the wildlings/the others and that no matter the differences between the houses, they have all signed a document stating they will work together to fight against such an enemy when the time arises. We could also have Arrancar characters so we could split the focus between the two, perhaps the Shinigami had invaded Hueco Mundo in an attempt to get rid of the menace once and for all though perhaps they kept a good portion imprisoned for whatever reason... experimentation/interrogation etc. I was thinking that the house my character comes from might be the main ones in control of said prison and have actually forged a secret alliance with the Arrancar they have held captive because their hatred for the current king is so great they'd be willing to ally themselves with their mortal enemies to overthrow them. I would much prefer to leave out humans, quincy, visored, bounts and anything that I've missed for the time being. I reckon there is enough going on though I am not against using them in the future! [u][b]Our characters[/b][/u] For Shinigami I was planning on having a character one of the sons of a head of house, perhaps even the heir though another thing I thought could be fun since I was planning on this being a long term RP is if our characters don't even know the name of their Zanpakuto's and they have to go through the development of learning the names, getting their shikai and bankai. I've always wanted to do something like that. As for your character they can really be anything though I had imagined a Shinigami at the very least, maybe the daughter of a house head. We could potentially go for an arranged marriage (overdone? yes but I still like it =P) between two houses that haven't had the best of relationships or we could do something else entirely. We could keep the Shinigami academy in Seireitei that is public to members from all houses, one way our characters could meet. If we want to make an additional character in the form of Arrancar then we could make them either imprisoned or hiding, maybe they are gathering the few Arrancar still free in Hueco Mundo to try and free their brethren? I'm down for making two characters at most and I am quite keen on Arrancar. Any other ideas about anything in this very rough idea? Seriously just speak to me, I'd love to hear what anyone has to say. I realise this is probably quite disorganised but I am pretty psyched about this idea so I just wrote what came to mind at the time. I probably haven't covered everything but hopefully the most important points. [u][b]RPing medium[/b][/u] I have google docs which I think would be good for this RP, email, we can use threads/PM's here too and I'm willing to try any other methods people might suggest. [u][b]Contacting me[/b][/u] Please send me a private message, I am much more likely to see/reply to that. I just want to thank anyone who has read down to hear, your interested is much appreciated and I really hope to hear from someone soon! One final thing, if you are interested please be prepared to actively plot with me... I'm not looking for someone to just vanish on me thanks. =] -Lazarus[/s]