[color=gold]"I see. I appreciate the escort, milady, and may you be successful in your endeavors."[/color] Another bow as a farewell for the princess before Lei'min shut the door behind them and offered an empty chair for the tactician. Once the room and the hall were devoid of any other presence besides the two, the Champion introduced himself and confidently shot down 'his' disguise in one, simple statement. The thin smile upon the swordsman's face lowered into a small frown as the pair of stunning yellow eyes squinted into a semi-glare, focusing themselves onto Jacob's face. [i]What a keen young man he is[/i], Mei'lin thought to herself as she broke the tense silence with a soft chuckle, her lips curving into a wry smile. [color=gold]"You are a curious young man, Jacob... I've no intention of denying the truth, with that glint of confidence in your eyes."[/color] The facade of masculinity in her voice was gone and was now replaced with a tranquil, feminine voice. [color=gold]"But that does not change the fact that I may resort to... [i]threats[/i] if a rumor unnecessarily circulates. Have I made myself clear, Sir Jacob?"[/color] Calmness remained in her tone and facial features while she spoke, despite the slight venom present in her declaration. Deciding that the current discussion was irrelevant to the important matter at hand, the general cleared her throat and changed the topic as she settled on a chair across the Champion. [color=gold]"Pardon for my hostility, I do not wish to cause any dispute to ruin my country's negotiations with you. It is a personal matter and I do hope you do not take that into account in your decision."[/color] Bowing her head lightly to gesture an apology, she continued onto business. [color=gold]"Simply put, Sir Jacob, Chon'sin may consider creating an alliance to side with you, the Champion, on this war. For this alliance to pursue, here is the condition: You and your Ylissean army must provide support in protecting our land, Chon'sin, from outside forces. If you bear knowledge of the location at which our fair land stands, then you must be aware that we will most likely be invaded by foreign forces if we declare allegiance to the Champion of Naga."[/color] Chin resting upon the back of her hand, Mei'lin leaned her elbow atop the desk beside her as her serious gaze watched the other's reaction. After a slight pause from her speech, she inquired, [color=gold]"What will it be, Sir Jacob? ....If you require time for a proper response, my men and I will be stationed here until an answer be given."[/color]